If only you were mine.

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20 chapters!! I didn't expect to write this much but here we are!
A "little" smut to celebrate x

Biggest oneshot I've written for this I believe.

Hope you all are having a good time, and enjoy this little thing that came to my mind x.

Autor Morgan


"Get the fuck out Lonnie!" Hopper yelled, covering Joyce with his arm as he glared at the man standing by them.

"Just because you stopped being a fatty, Jim, doesn't mean I'm afraid of you!" Lonnie snapped back through gritted teeth. Joyce was about to yell profanities at him, Hopper could see just how furious she was, and he was kind of sure if he'd let her go right now she'd try to square him up.

So instead he told her to back off carefully and straightened himself up, making him stand inches taller than Lonnie as he approached the man, who pretty much cowered back, despite his previous statement.

"Is that so?" Hopper teased, grinning as he watched Lonnie fume, trying to stand his ground.

"Yeah! I'm not afraid of you." Lonnie suddenly swung, delivering a strong ass punch to Hoppers face, making him recoil and hit a cabinet, then hiting his nose right after, eyes widening when Hopper only looked back at him and chuckled, the Russians had done way worse than that, his ears decided to maybe tune out Joyce's yells for Lonnie to stop, it would only anger him more.

"Listen here, you either get out of this household and never come back, or I'm dragging you out myself." Hopper growled at him as his laughing suddenly died out, death staring down at Lonnie who gulped.

"Im not doing shit you say." He snapped back once again, and Hopper sighed and shook his head.

"You had your choice." Hopper reached out a hand to tighten around his neck with as much force as he could, pushing the bastard backwards, keeping him on a chokehold.

He pushed Lonnie back torwads the entrance, shoving him out the porch stairs then kicking his gut once he was on the floor.

"You better not come back." Hopper snapped at the man, letting him get up and run to his car.

He almost lost himself in the anger he was feeling, that fucking bastard had come around when he dropped the kids at the wheelers and terrorised Joyce, tormenting her for how she left everything to go to Alaska, and how bad of a mom she was, that she was a disgrace. His anger fueling up as he watched him drive down the driveway.

He shook his head and sighed, he had to clear his anger out before coming back to Joyce.

"Hopper!" A voice yelled, as he whipped his head around to find Joyce running to him. He took in a deep breath, his anger spiralling down in her presence.

"Joyce, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Hopper scanned her face, hands cupping her cheeks as he searched for any bruises.

"Im fine Hopper! But you, your nose is bleeding! And, and- your forehead it," Joyce shooed his hands from her face, grabbing one of them and pulling him inside.

"Joyce," He tried to stop her from panicking too much, but she only kept rushing around for a cloth "Joyce!" He nearly yelled, causing the woman to yelp, and whip around to face him with a cloth in her hands.

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