Damned letters

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[Set in s4, but the church scene didnt happen so they r both still awkard lovers]

Hopper is confused, Joyce rescued him from the cold hell that was the russian prison just a few weeks ago, he was still shoken up, his body surely still ached like hell, but he was confused as to Joyce's feelings torwards him.

Would a friend fly all the way to Russia, get in a plane crash and almost die just to rescue another friend?

For once in years, Hopper was somewhat sure that they had something else going on between them, he could catch the glances from Joyce in his direction whenever he wasn't looking, the way her eyes always seemed to have something behind them, something unspoken. The way her movements were more carefull and awkard around him as if she we're afraid to place a wrong hand.

Hopper loved Joyce, but he was still afraid that he was missreading the signs, and that as soon as he made a move she would leave him. Maybe he was missreading the way she glanced torwards him, maybe they we're just scaredness, worry? Maybe even disgust, or missreading the unspoken question behind her eyes, maybe she just wanted to get him off her house and thats why she was so awkard with him.

He sighed and looked around at his surroundings, the kids had left for some roadtrip with the wheelers, leaving Joyce and him alone for atleast a few days.

'That will be fun' he sighed now looking around the room he was in.

He was sat down in Joyces bed near her nightstand, as he looked between her belongings finally coming back to the letter in his hands, the thing that made him question all of this, even knowing the anwser, gods sake it was literally wrote down, but what if something in her had changed those 8 months he was gone? What if she didnt mean what she wrote down anymore?

Hopper looked back down at the letter, re-reading it once again.

'21st, May, 1985

Dear diary,

Life has been awfull recently, its been 2 months since Hopper died.. its been really tough.

I just want to give it all up and sink down in my bed. Cry myslef dry yknow? But i cant, i have 3 children that need me more than ever now, especially Jane, shes such a strong girl.

I miss him so much, i miss him everyday. He was my rock, my place of comfort, and losing it all so suddelly feels awfull.

I feel like i have no one to turn to now, no one to share my feelings and all that stuff, like i used to do so when he was here, i know i could talk to the children about it but, its silly isnt it? A forty year old asking children for emotional help? I know they would help me through anything, but i dont want to put more weight on them. Any more weight that they already have.

So thats why im writing to you, a way to shout out my feeling to the void.

Please, if hes still out there somehow, i want NEED him back.

I dared not say it to him outloud before, i was afraid of commitment, afraid that he would leave me to rot after having his way with me, but i was dumb. I KNEW he wasnt like that, and i still was afraid.

Kinda silly aint it?

So if you're listening, whoever you are, please bring my love back, i want him back so bad.

I want to feel his loving embrace again, i want to feel him soothing me with calm circles on my back, i want to share ciggaretes with him again.

I want to feel his lips on mine, i want to wake up every morning and have him there, I NEED HIM BACK, i need him. Please.

I just want him back.

- If you're listening,

Yours truly, Joyce.'

Hopper read the note over and over again, until he heard a clink of keys outside the front door, and he decided he was going to do it, if Joyce didnt feel the same anymore, he would simply leave and let her live her life.

Hopper rushed out of the room, taking the letter with him as he stood infornt of the door entrance, waiting for Joyce to come in.

"Hopper! I'm ba- oof" Joyce walked in eyes closed letting out a little oof as she bumped into Hoppers chest, not expecting his to be there. "Hop! Uh sorry... um you okay?" Joyce looked up at him through wide eyes, travelling down to his hands, spotting the piece of paper, looking back at his intense gaze on her with a now careful gaze.

"Whats.. that?" She points, her own heart racing, she knew exactly what it was, and from Hoppers look, he knows she recognises it too.

"Listen, Hop if you dont- mmmf!" Joyce started apolozing, before being cut off by a fierce kiss on her lips as he came to grab her waist.

Joyce's eyes widened, as her incial shock faded, quickly slinging her arms around his shoulders as he backed into the wall.

Shit, was she in heaven right now? She swore this was her heaven. His hands roaming near her stomach as hers came up to cup his cheeks, which he responded by grabbing her elbows carefully incouraging her.

As they pulled away Joyce had a suprised but pleased face on her, and Hoppers was deep with love, as he stared into her eyes while she regained her breath.

"Wow, Jim, i-" She exhaled, her eyes still wide as she stared up at him breathing heavily.

"Mmm?" He stared down at her, placing one of his hands behind her on the wall, leaning down to be at the same face level with her.

Joyce would be lying if she didn't say that was extremely hot of him.

"Did I meet your expectations?" He questions smiling mischievously.

"I don't know.." She smirked back, his eyes faltering for a while before she placed her hand on his cheek. "I might need another try to know." She whispers.

Hopper wasted no time connecting their lips back up as she pulled him down by his neck, Hooper's hands went under her thighs, lifting her up from the ground and placing her againt the wall, her stomach swirled violently with butterflies.

Joyce yelped but didn't break away, instead finding her balance and wrapping her legs around him as he pressed her into the wall, his hands coming to explore her back in calming circles before deepening the kiss and running his other hand down her stomach.

'Oh, Jim." Joyce broke them apart as her head throwed backwards her eyes closing tightly as she let out a breathy whisper of his name as he stroked up and down on her stomach, stopping just right before the hem of her bra, then descending back down just next to her hip dips, continuing that motion that left her craving for more.

Hopper let her down from his grasp, smiling in amusement as he looked down at her.

"Love you too." He winked and pressed another peck to her lips before walking away into the house, leaving her standing by the doorway, love struck as her head screamed with excitement, God that was much better than whatever first kiss with Hopper her head had imagined.

"Hey! No! You get your ass back here Mister!" She shouted at him, running inside the house, forgetting all about her groceries bag that was long forgotten on the floor of the house.

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