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Sorry, this one is short I just couldn't stop thinking about this remix fitted the Byers. This is somehow centred in Hopper-Jonathan talk, but it does have some Jopper near the end.

Hope you guys enjoy their little talk and some small Jopper.

Author Morgan


Hopper listened to the sound of water running as he leant on the counter, taking a puff of his ciggarete as he watched Joyce do the dishes.

He had insited he could help her, or even do them himself, but she denied everything and just told him to sit back, he eventually agreed and leant against the counter beside her.

He pulled the ciggarete away from his lips, glancing down to her extending it out, Joyce dried her hand then gripped his wrist, bringing his hand down to her mouth and taking a puff of the ciggarete.

She let out a exhale of smoke in the opposite direction of the dishes, then looked back torwards him again.

"Thank you." She smiled and stood on her tiptoes, placing a kiss to his cheek, he just smiled nodded, watching as she went back to the dishes.

His eyes drifted to the doorway, finding Jonathan standing there with an debating look.

"You okay kid?" He asked, making Joyce turn her head to the doorway aswell.

"Uh, yeah.. um, can I talk to you Hopper?" Hopper felt his heart skip a beat before reluctantly nodding and stubbing out his ciggarete on the ash tray.

He shifter his weight back on his feet and followed Jonathan outside, who simply motioned him to sit down beside him on the bench.

"Everything alright?" Hopper asked, Jonathan turned his head away from Hoppers, staring into the moonlight, as if collecting his thoughts, Hopper noticed how nervous he was getting. "Its okay, take your time kid."

Jonathan seemed more at ease and simply nodded, Hopper looked forward aswell, trying to focus on the sounds of the wind whistling and the rustling of the trees.

"What---" Jonathan spoke up "---are your intentions with my mom?" Hopper didn't focus his gaze back on the boy, instead smiled and a weight seemed to drop off his shoulder. So that's what this was about.

"Well, what do you think?" He simply questioned back, now focusing his gaze back on the boy.

"I.. id like to think you're different," He looked down to his feet, Hopper simply nodded "Different than Lonnie, I mean." His eyes met Hoppers, as he spat out the bastards name in anger.

"Your mom told me a few things about Lonnie," Hopper frowned, he knew Lonnie was abusive, but Joyce hadn't gone into much detail "You mind telling me more about him?"

Jonathan shook his head, then pondered once again, 'finding words', Hopper thought.

"He.. wasn't exactly abusive.. well not to me and Will atleast, he was more.. uh mentally abusive to us," Jonathan sighed, clear rage and pain in his eyes as he stared down at the driveway. "He stuck around, but wasn't present in either mine or Will's lives, and I guess mom's neither."

"What happened to him and your mom?" Jonathan lifted his head briefly, questioning look on his eyes, 'Why do you wanna know' written on his expression "Just curious." Hopper explained, he nodded.

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