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'Killing me softly with her song.'
'Killing me softly.'

Frank Sinatra sang, flowing softly around her ears as Joyce hummed along with the tune emminating through the radio, scrubbing the dirty dishes from lunch clean.

She smiled, she loved listening to Frank Sinatra, especially this song, it wasn't her favourite song of all time, but she loved it nonetheless.

She was about to finish the dishes when a loud rang sounded through the quiet room, she jolted in suprise, startled, then sighed.

She walked over to the phone ringing, wiping her wet hands on her pants before picking up.

"Hello?" Her voice strained slightly, sounding alarmingly loud in her quiet mind, she hadn't spoke for a while now so she cleared her throat, hoping the next time she tried to talk her voice wouldn't strain.

"Joyce, hello," Hopper's voice resonated through the speaker, her heart cluched in her chest, she smiled hearing his voice from the other side.

"Hey," Hopper on the other side he smiled aswell as he swayed around the kitchen, tidying it up "Need something?"

"Oh, right," Hopper set the cup in his hand down to rub at his neck, feeling unexplainably nervous, even though Joyce wasn't next to him. "Uh.. El was wondering if we could come over to your place for dinner today."

Joyce's heart fluttered, she knew that nervous tone of his, and it only made her smile impossibly wider.

"Yeah, of course," She heard a quiet exhale in the background and chuckled "When are you coming?"


"Uh, at what time are you two coming?" Joyce lifted and eyebrow, then shook it off, he probably hadn't heard her question.

"Ah, right, we are planning on leaving as soon as El's home from Max's, if that's okay with you." She grinned once again in delight, she would get to see him soon.

"Yeah, that's fine. See you soon." Joyce curled her fingers on the phones string, smiling happily like a damn teenager.

"Yeah, soon." Hopper picked the cup back up from the counter, looking at the sun light reflecting off of it through the window, El would still take a while to get home from Max's so he figured he had the time to finish storing the dishes.

Joyce hung up the phone, and sighed happily. She turned around only to shriek, being startled once again, this time by Jonathan standing at the counter with an amused look on his face.

"You were smiling an awful lot," He teased, watching her turn her face as a blush creeped up on her neck. "Who were you talking to mom?" He grinned.

"No one, now shoo, I have to finish the dishes." She scrambled, pushing him carefully off the counter.

"Alright, don't tell me, I'll know who he is anyway." She looked back at his challenging eyes with confused ones.

"He's coming over for dinner remember? I heard you talking about it." Joyce's eyes widened, staring back into Jonathan's mischievous ones.

"Jonathan." She warned and he simply chuckled.

"Relax mom, I won't say anything to whoever he is. I'm happy for you as long as he's not an asshole." He put a hand on her shoulder his expression softening with a caring smile.

She simply sighed and shook her head.

"Yeah yeah, now go do your homework or something." She shook him away with a smile, and he obliged trudging back to his own room.

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