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Joyce was laid down on her bed, she had just finished watching a.. very explicit scene from movie on TV, and it left her feeling unexplainably horny.

Well, maybe there was an actual explanation, she usually is able to watch these with no problem, but a certain something wouldn't stop itching at the back of her mind while she watched, a certain someone to be especific.

She couldn't help but let thoughts of Hopper wander into the back into her mind. God, she hated him, hated how cute his smile was, hated how he would lower his head ever so slightly whenever he thought something was stupid, hated all the little details that would make Hopper, well.. Hopper. She hated how she was curious about him.

Her mind wandered to what it would feel like with Hopper, to what his hands would feel like roaming her body. How it would feel to have him ontop of her as he took complete control over her body, how it would feel to be stretched out by him, to have him inside her.

Joyce groaned and let her head fall back, the throbbing was getting more persistent as time went by, and as she thought more and more of him, she'd usually just wait it out and let the feeling pass by, but she figured it wasn't going away so soon.

She took a glance around the room, making sure her door was closed, and God, she hoped Hopper wouldn't hear her from outside.

She slid her shorts down, followed by her panties, her breath becoming erratic as she slid her hand down her stomach.

Her mind envisioned it as Hopper, his hand running down her stomach as he teased her, eventually reaching down to her clit, rubbing it slowly with his fingers.

"Hopper." She moaned quietly, her head falling back against the headboard as she panted, her breathing becoming more and more erratic as she teased herself, little whimpers and cries erupting from her lips.

"Fuck, Hopper." She moaned, a little more audible as she slid her finger inside herself, but not enough to be heard unless someone was right by her door. "Jim," She panted, inserting another finger with a groan.

Her eyes shut tight as she pumped in and out. In her mind she was begging Hopper to go faster, which he obviously obeyed. Her rhythm picked up, leaving her a whimpering, moaning mess as she whispered Hoppers name like a prayer over and over again. Jesus, she was a bad friend, but it just felt so good. She had wanted Hopper for a long while, but was too coward to say anything worried he might reject her.

She could feel her high approaching soon, as any tries to hold back failed, ending up moaning Hopper's name loudly as she came undone.

She panted, trying to regain her breath, not even slightly aware she had just yelled out the name of the man who was probably next room currently. Her mind was so fogged with what was probably one of her best orgasms ever, that she hadn't even registered the door open with a click until he spoke.

"Yeah?" He took a step in, before glancing at her, his eyed widened and Joyce quickly retracted her hand.

"Um, shit, sorry." He quickly backed off, his cheeks reddening even more with every second as he closed the door behind himself.

Joyce laid there paralysed, had the man of her dreams just caught her fantasising about him? Fuck, she needed to get up quickly and talk to him, she couldn't let this ruin their friendship.

She cleaned herself up quickly, changing her underwear then sliding her shorts back on as she wobbled over to the door. She cursed herself internally for not locking it.

She took a big breath before pushing it open then closing it again behind her.

On the other side she found an wide eyed, panting Hopper leaning against the wall opposite to where she was as he eyed her. She quickly became nervous as she avoided eye contact with him at all costs, hell she avoided looking at him.

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