A late night call.

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This chapter does contain Cheating, so if you dont like that kinds of stuff you can skip this one


"Hopper." Joyce's voice resonated through the speaker as he slid on his shirt.

"Joyce," He smiled, trapping the phone between his cheek and shoulder as his hands worked on the shirts buttons. "Hey, everything alright?"

"Yeah, eveything's good.." Joyce took a deep breath.

"You sure?" Hoppers brows furrowed, coming to a halt on buttoning his shirt.

"Listen Hopper," He could hear the shakiness in her voice, and Joyce felt her cheeks heat up. "I need— want you to come over."

"Why? Did something happen?" He finished buttoning his shirt, standing up straight, staring at the clock in his cabin. 22:59 pm.

"Jesus, yes, Hopper everything's fine.." She mumbled shakily, feeling her own voice caught up in her throat "I— I just need you."

Hopper stopped in his tracks for a second, feeling his blood rush south as silence hung in the air between them. Hopper froze, Joyce Byers, a woman with a boyfriend, was giving him a booty call.

"Um, okay, you sure?"

"Yes Hopper, just— get over here before I change my mind." She hung up and he rushed to slide on the boots, forgetting all about the date he had planned.

He hopped in his truck and drove over to Joyce's house.

Joyce had been left unsatisfied after sex with Bob, it had left her wanting, needing more than Bob could give her.

He was nice, of course, but sometimes she found her mind wandering to a rougher, way more calloused pair of hands roaming her body, exploring her roughly, leaving sweet marks and hot touches all over her.

She had imagined those rough hands roaming her while she was underneath Bob, touching her in the places she needed, pumping its fingers inside her, hitting all the right places that she loved so much.

She had imagined his hands, his big, strong hands that had enough force to do whatever he wanted with her if he pleased, she was guilty of thinking about another man while having sex with her boyfriend, but goddamn, she needed to call him.

So she did, and now, she was sitting anxiously at her kitchen, nibbling on her nails after sending Bob out and calling Jim. Somehow, despite all the nervousness flooding her, she felt somehow aroused, exited that she was finally getting to know what he was like in bed.

It wasn't a secret that Hopper had been through almost all the women in Hawkins, and all of them seem to agree on the opinion that he was really good at what he does, and that left an unwavering ache between her legs as she crossed them, hoping to relieve some tension.

She nearly jumped out her seat when the doorbell rang, sending her flying to her feet as she walked up to it, taking a deep breath before pulling it open.

Hopper stood on the other side wearing a short sleeved white button up that hug his form snugly, tightening around his chest and biceps, some jeans she hadn't seen before with a belt looped through them and boots.

"Hey," He gave her a smile not sure how to develop this, she stepped aside inviting him in.

"Hey." She replied and stepped torwards him, hands flirting with his biceps as she smiled up at him with an inquiring look. She took the chance for the first move, soaring up to press her lips to his, loosing herself in the groan that escaped his lips. When his hands settled on her hips she neatly jumped from excitement, noticing how good they felt on her.

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