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Hopper walked through the door of Melvalds, being met with the usual bell ring above him, he sighed contently he had grown to love that bell recently. It was a constant reminder he'd get to see Joyce.

He took a step in, expecting the usual greeting from Joyce but being met with silence, he glanced torwards the register and there she was, focused on another man as they talked, Hopper furrowed his brows and took a few steps more into the place, guiding himself into a wall close to the register and leaning back on it crossing his arms over his chest as he watched them interact.

Joyce noticed his presence, eyes deviating from the man for a second, looking at him up and down with suprised eyes, before softening them and smiling then focusing back on the man talking to her.

Hopper brought his stare up to the man aswell, he had dark brown hair and a beard, he wore a flannel red shirt as he laughed, Hopper could just see the man clearly wasn't interested in Joyce, just making friendly conversation. He hummed approvingly, but kept staring the man down, incase he tried anything.

Both of them kept at their conversation, both of them seemingly enjoying it as they laughed in unison. Hopper felt a pit form in his stomach as he watched them, the man wasn't being touchy, or flirty or anything like that, just a normal conversation, but it still somehow made him jealous as he watched.

Joyce took another sneaky look at him, her eyes registering Hoppers frown before he could even change his expression, once he noticed her eyes his expression quickly changed as he looked away, his ears catches onto a chuckle, presumably coming from Joyce.

"Come on, Tommy is waiting for us!" A little girl, possibly around 14, ran into the store tugging at the older man's sleeve, urging him to hurry up, the man agreed with the girl who Hopper found out the name was Ellie, as it was written on her backpack.

His eyes focused back on Joyce as she waved to the man as he walked off the store with the little girl. Hopper lifted himself off the wall and walked torwards Joyce, standing by the counter infront of her as she stared up at him with smug eyes.

"You really need to fix your jealousy issues Hop." She chuckled, he simple growled and walked over to her side of the counter, pulling her into a big bear hug.

"Hop! Hey!! You're squeezing me!" Joyce laughed as she wriggled free of his embrace once he loosened his grip on her.

"Can't help it when my woman is the prettiest in town." He simply answered making her blush and shake her head, then staring up at him with heart eyes, the brown eyes that always had him kneeling over for her.

"Oh really?" She questioned, making him furrow his brows in confusion as he stared down at her. "Then we both must be really luck because my man is the most handsome in the town." She teased back, making his brain short circuit as he sighed, a smile forming on his face.

"God, I love you." Hopper hugged her once again, this time carefull not to crush the poor woman.

"Oh, come here," She chuckled and swung her arms around his shoulders, pulling his body down to come face to face with her "Love you too." She simply said before connecting their lips softly, sending electric sparks in her, despite not being their first kiss or anything, anything he kissed she just felt.. right.

His lips were heavily scared and rough, aswell as most of his body was, she couldn't help but love it, love the way it made him, him. Her lips weren't nearly as scatred, only containing a scar across the bottom one, one that Lonnie had given her.

Hopper was always gentle with his her, was one thing she noticed after so many years, he always had that little soft spot reserved for her in him.

She'd noted that big teddy bear inside him many times during their friendship, the way he always seemed more gentle around her, more subject to showing emotion around her. However, it really became clear to her how much of a caring man he was when they started dating.

She remembered the first time they did it, she remembered the concern on his face once his eyes landed on her scars, some across her back, others on her stomach and legs, they were not many but they were noticable, she remembers him stopping completely in shock, she previously thought he had hated how she looked for them, but he simply asked how she had gotten them, Lonnie.

He became irritated, reasonably so, but didn't say anything, instead layed her down on the bed and worshipped every single on of them as if trying to heal them with tenderness.

Their kiss broke form the need of air from him, his hand previously on her hip coming to her mouth, thumb running carefully through her bottom lip, over her scar as he gazed at her with puppy eyes, loving eyes.

Joyce loved that little gesture of his whenever he did it, finding comfort and warmth in his touch, his other hand on her waist pulled her closer into a hug, as she wrapped her arms around his waist aswell.

They were both broken out of their trance from the ringing off a bell at the entrance to the store, Hopper sighed sadly, knowing it meant his moment with her was over as she would sadly had to go back to work.

He gave her one last quick peck on the lips before walking away to the other side of the counter, stopping in his tracks to tell her something.

"I'll be home earlier today, don't worry about dinner," She smiled and sighed, he simply pecked her on the cheek over the counter and walked away, yelling out a goodbye at the door.

Joyce simply watched awestruck as he walked away, eyes looking him up and down with a lick of her lips, How had she managed to get herself such a wonderful husband?

She simply smiled and shook her head, she didn't know what led him to her, but she was thankful something did, for the first time in years she felt loved, she felt safe.

For the first time, she felt her family complete, she felt complete.


Sorry, this one was short <3
Just felt like people don't give Joyce enough credit for her scars, i feel like she wouldn't have a complete smooth skin with no scars after all that's happened to them, I'll probably be bringing one more chapter about her and Hoppers scars soon <3

I'll try and bring you guys something bigger soon, just have been running out of ideas x

Author Morgan.

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