Ready to love you again.

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For Future Days by Pearl Jam, I especially put the Joel cover in, especially because I think it fits them, and Magic Man by Heart is the original <33

Couldn't link two songs so one of them is just a screenshot 😭

Just a little note, enjoy the chapter.
Love, autor.


Hopper sat down at his table, glancing around the room as the people flooded the place. Larry had insited on a party to 'reunite the people'. Buncha bullshit.

He was still waiting for Joyce to get here, maybe they could have a chat or even a smoke outside to her away from this loud ass music, it was giving him an headache.

He sighed, looking down at the watch attached to his wrist, it had only been half an hour and he was already bored. Sure, he had many people here he could go talk too, many people he could go up and dance with, but he didnt feel like talking to any of them.

"Joyce! You're here!" He overheard Karen yell out over the music as she sprang to the woman infront of her, his lips tugged into a smile for a small second, before spotting a figure behind Joyce.

Great, Bob the Brain had come along with her. He looked back down at his table, all of his hope for this party suddenly gone. He knew he wouldn't have a chance to talk with Joyce with Bob around, sure, Bob never minded if they talked, but he didnt want to interfere in their relationship as they swayed all lovey-dovey across the dancing platform.

He groaned, grabbing the bottle of whiskey by his side and pouring another shot, downing it with ease. He stared back at the couple as the kids ran in behind them, El had begged him to let her sleepover the weekend at Joyce's which would lead to her having to bring her today, he denied at first, thinking it would be too much work for her, but Joyce protested and he eventually agreed, letting her go off with Joyce and Will.

El spotted him over from the entrance and ran torwards him with a smile.

"Dad!" El shouted as she ran, waving her hand at him as she approached, causing Joyce to look his way and smile, tell something to the boys and eventually making her way to him behind El.

"Hey kiddo," Hopper ruffled her hair and stood up as El pulled him into a hug "Had fun at Joyce's?" He smiled down at the kid, who just nodded excitedly.

"That's great kid." She let go of him and waved to Joyce who now approached them as well.

"Can I go hang out with Mike and Will now?" She eyed Hopper, hopeful that he would say yes. He sighed, he hated that Mike kid, but today was a party day after all.

"Sure. Go on ahead, no funny business though!" He half shouted the last part as El was already taking off to meet her friends. He shook his head, letting it fall down as he pinched his nose.

"Come on Hopper, Mike's not that bad." A voice spoke over from beside him, which he recognised as Joyce's. He lifted his head up to look at her.

She was standing beside him, grabbing a glass of whine from the table. She was wearing a black dress that hug her form snugly. He gulped and looked away, leaning back on the wall beside him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." He grumbled, eyeing El and Mike as they spoke to eachother, then sighing.

"Soo, how have you two been?" Joyce tried to start a conversation, but it was clearly noticable Hoppers mind was somewhere else as he stared at where the two kids had been previously. A small smile tugged at Joyce's lips, she loved that overprotective dad side of him.

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