Bob Newby.

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Hopper's smile faltered as she stared at her, heart breaking into millions of small pieces as the words flew out of her mouth.

"Im dating someone." Were the simple words she had said, simple enough to form a pit in his stomach as his happiness faded away.

They weren't dating or anything, no, but he had specifically came to her house this day to give her a gift, and maybe ask her on a date, well before she told him she had news anyway.

"Hop?" She asked out, hand coming to cover his over the table, he instantly replaced his frown with a nonchalant one, staring into her eyes.

"Uh, that's—" He gave her a smile, hiding whatever emotion was boiling underneath his skin."—that's great."

She smiled up at him, tilting her head in that adorable motion he always loved, that he would need to stop loving.

"Soo.." She met his gaze with an expectant one "Who's the lucky guy?" Hopper questioned, lifting an curios eyebrow at her. If it wasn't him by her side, he would atleast like to know she was going to be in good hands.

"Uhh, remember Bob Newby?" She questioned back, head drifting down to stare at her feet.

Hopper just stared at her, blank look on his face as the cogs turned in his head, she was dating none other than Bob the Brain, the highschool guy that always used to get in-between them and rat them out to the teachers about coping eachothers homework.

"Bob the Brain huh.." He grit his teeth, trying to keep the nonchalant expression on his face as his eyes stared daggers at the floor, keeping his gaze away from hers. "How long?" He asked, curiosity poking at him.

"About a month." She sighed, Hoppers eyes widened, she had been seeing someone for a month and didn't even tell him about it. No, Hopper, why would she need to tell you about it?

He furrowed his eyebrows and stared down, processing some thoughts lingering on his head. "A month, huh?" He mumbled, half aware he had actually said it.

"Yeah Hopper, something wrong with that?" Hopper suddenly looked up, a expression apparent to a deer caught in headlights as she bit back a slight fierceness in her voice.

"No, no—" He waved his hands infront of his face "—not at all." He looked down at the table were they both were sat, not sure if he was trying to make her belive him or to make himself belive in what he just said.

"Good," He raised his gaze to meet hers "Anyway, we are planning on a family dinner in a few weeks, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us." He watched as her eyes swerved in mixed emotions, hope and nervousness.

Something punctured his heart begging him to say no— the thought of having dinner with her and Bob pained him, the thought of watching as she loved him infront of her hurt his heart more than he ever could have thought. However, the hope in her eyes made it harder to deny her request, knowing that it would pain her aswell.

He sighed and stood up, watching as she followed suit, and walked over to his side.

"Sure, I'll pass by then." He muttered, his gaze falling down and away from hers, as he grabbed his hat from the table, her eyes following every movement of his.

She watched as she lit up in happiness, as the words left his mouth, flying her hands around his waist in a hug. He stood paralysed, as if he were a statue for a few seconds, then returned the embrace.

He clung onto her, slightly afraid to let go, as if it were their last embrace, and maybe, it was.

She retrieved her arms but didn't back away from the embrace, instead one hand coming up to cup his cheek, bringing his head down.

Hopper's heart skipped a beat as he felt her hand on his cheek, feeling the goosebumps run up the back of his neck, his mind blanked once she lowered his head to her height.

"Thank you." Joyce whispered and placed a kiss on his cheek and let him go, backing away from him entirely now.

Hopper felt a sting where she kissed, his hand coming to touch his cheek, almost as if the universe was taunting him, reminding him of what he couldn't have.

"Yeah.. sure," He turned away from her, realising his words had came out more bitter than usual, he added "I'll see you then." He turned only his head to her and watched as she nodded, a conflicted expression on her face.

He turned his head back and walked to the door, opening it and lingering for a second, as if waiting for her to call out to him before he left, but nothing happened, he was only depared with the silence of the house.

He sighed and walked out, closing the door behind him and walking over to his truck, slamming the door shut as he stepped in.

He fished a letter out of his pocket, unfolding it and re-reading, something turned in his gut, twisting sickly as he red it over and over again, he crumpled the letter with anger and tossed it into the backseat, hands coming coming to cover his face.

God, he was stupid to even think about asking Joyce out, she saw him as just a friend, nothing else.

Nothing else, his own words echoed through his mind and he felt like throwing up. Maybe a trip to the hideaway didn't sound so bad tonight.

So he did, spending the night drowning himself in booze and sorrow, wishing that it might have all been a dream, and he would wake up eventually.

He wished he hadn't been so much of a coward and told Joyce how he loved her so much, before Bob came along. He wished he had told her how he wanted to wake up next to her, how he wanted to hold her and kiss her lips, dance with her under the stars under soft music.

But those were all a simple fantasies his mind had came up with to taunt him, fantasies way out of his reach, the type of fantasies that would never become real, simply destined to be wished.


Another shorty and angst, 😞, sorry.

Next chapter is already in writing, it's gonna be bigger and a smut <3
I keep leaving these little ones so you guys have something to read, and to dump out many ideas my Jopper brain comes up with.

Author Morgan

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