Work Papers.

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Continuation to the previous work <3
!! Smut !!

Hopper lowered his head on the table, a growl escaping his lips, sighing at the situation Joyce had left him in, how would he get rid of this? He lifted his head up at the clock nearby his table and it red 10:27.

Fuck, his lunch break was only at midday. His mind wandered about what would happen during the lunch break, dirty thoughts invading his mind, which was a very bad idea as more blood flowed down to his already noticable bulge.

He slammed his head back down on the table with a growl as he tried not to think about Joyce anymore.. trying not to think about the lunch break, trying not to think about her riding him into oblivion as she..

Shit, he was screwed.

A loud knock on his door startled him as he heard a yell from Powell on the other side asking to come in, his mind was currently fogged and he was pretty sure his appearance gave away some of what happened.

"One second!" He yelled back at Powell, grabbing the small mirror and trying to adjust his hair which Joyce had messed up, he noticed a small dark mark forming on his shoulders, he sighed and tried to adjust his collar to cover it.

"Come on in." He called out for Powell, pulling his chair as far next to the table as he could, in hopes to hide his growing arousal.

"Hey Chief, How ya doin'?" Powell opened the door with a click and a smile, walking over to him with papers on his hands.

"Yeah, yeah, what do you want? I got your wife waiting for me." Hopper half joked, only half cause he hoped he would hurry up already.

"Very funny Chief," He rolled his eyes "Anyway i got some paper work for you and Ms.Byers, so if you could drop it off to her for me that'd be great." Powells eyes drifted down to his neck, then back up to him with a smirk.

"Thanks," Hopper mocked adjusting his collar "Ill drop 'em off to Joyce alright." He now smirked, his eyes wandering back to his computer.

"Yeah... thanks, Chief." Powell retreated from his office, half closing the door before looking back inside. "Lock the door please."

"Haha, funny." Hopper mocked as he rolled his eyes.

As soon as Powell closed the door Hopper stood up and grabbed part of the papers Powell had gave him, he opened the door making sure no one was around, then he bolted straight for Joyce's office.

He half slammed the door open, earning him a gasp from Joyce, he walked in closing the door behind him and discreetly locking it behind him.

"Uhh, Hi Hopper." Joyce greeted suspiciously as she eyed him down, not missing the very noticeable bulge in his pants, she gulped her eyes looking back up to meet his now closer ones.

"Powell told me to drop these off for you." Hopper placed the papers on a corner of her desk as she took them suspiciously, eyeing up the file reports and and schedules.

"Okay, thanks." She stood up, bending to store then down on a file cabinet, not expecting to turn around to Hopper right behind her.

"Hop-" She was cut off by fierce lips attacking hers, she moaned into his mouth as his hands came to rub her waist up and down, backing her up againt a wall.

He bit down on her bottom lip as his hands roamed under her uniform shirt, his calloused hands coming to rub at her soft skin, she shuddered under the touch and let out a soft whimper as he started unbuttoning her work shirt, only breaking the kiss for deep inhales of air, then attacking her lips once again.

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