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Hopper fluttered his eyes open, not quite sure of where he was, he sat up stretching his limbs languidly, before turning to look around.

It clicked in his head, he was in Joyce's house, in her living room. He remembers staying over last night after Joyce found him outside in his truck.

He shifted uncomfortably in his khakis, turns out its pretty uncomfortable sleeping in them. He glanced down, finding his shirt and belt folded by the arm of the couch, the least he could take off to be a little more comfortable.

Hopper stood up from the couch, grabbing his white undershirt and tugging it on, and leaving the collar's buttons undone, he'd fix it later before getting his uniform shirt on.

He slid his belt around his waist, securing the gun holster to it, just as he was doing so, a certain woman emerged from her bedroom.

He heard the footsteps, instinctively turning around to their direction, being met with a work-dressed Joyce Byers by the wide doorway, he finished buckling his belt then made his way over to her.

"Mornin'" He greeted, slightly awkward.

"Hey," She smiled, dark circles visible under her eyes, after a week of hell it was justifiable.

"How's Will?" Hopper rubbed at his neck, looking down at her sheepishly.

"He's fine, I think.. sleeping," A sad smile spread across her featues. "Hopper, I— I cant thank you enough for bringing him home." She shook her head, tears prickling at her eyes despite her best effort.

"Hey, Joyce," He grabbed at her shoulders "It's okay, you don't need to thank me, you know I'd do anything for you and your boys." He gave her a small smile, and she nodded.

"Im gonna make something to eat if you dont mind, want something?" He changed the subject, taking his hands back to himself.

"Jim, I can make myself food," She snorted, giving him a less saddened smile. He chuckled nervously. "Some coffee sounds nice." She took pity on him, he nodded and followed after her to the kitchen.

They both fumbled around eachother, hands touching briefly, brushing fingers whenever they passed something between eachother, a tension hung heavy between the two of them, their desire leading way to a tense inviroment.

They sat down at her round table, both with their coffees in hand, Hopper took a sip of his, feeling refreshed as the caffeine hit him. Joyce did the same, however, wincing at the too hot liquid that hit her tongue, Hopper chuckled.

"What?" She eyed him challengingly.

"Nothing." He retorted with a wide smile across his lips, shaking his head no. She stared at him for a while longer before laughing herself.

"Oh, Hop," She chuckled, his eyes meeting hers as he watched her smile grow "I missed you, after all these years." She shook her head.

"How long have you been back?" The simple question she asked burned a hole in his chest, he wasnt quite fond of his reason to come back two years ago.

"I, uh— I've been here for two years." She gasped, hand coming to cover his on the table.

"Jim! You've been back in Hawkins for two years? Why didn't you say anything?" He gulped and looked away, eyes faltering as he stared down at the floor tiles, she could tell something was bothering him.

He didn't want to tell her the reason he hadn't seeked her, he wanted to, really. But over the years after loosing Sara he had became a mess, a drunken, sleazy mess, and he didn't want her to see him like that.

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