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A double update today??? Wow.
Haha, hope you guys enjoy my spew of words, I have too many in my mind and it's leading to slightly short updates, hope you guys don't mind.

Author Morgan


Hopper was sat down at a couch in the hideaway, sober, just chatting away with a few old friends, they had invited him for a drinking party here, he declined the drinking, but joined them notheless.

They had requested a couch more to the back, where they could chat peacefully without getting in the way of any drunken fights and away from the loud booming music.

He sat back, listening to his buddy's exchange talk, sometimes laughing along with them.

He hummed contently, for the first time, he had come to the hideaway with no intent to drink his sorrows away and with no intent to get piss drunk. He had way more important things in his life than that now.

As if on cue, a familiar voice echoed, calling out his name, making the group silence and turn their heads torwards the noise. Hopper found her eyes first, waving her over, not expecting the glare in her eyed once she approached.

"Hopper," She barked, hands coming to grab at his cheeks "What are you doing here? You aren't getting drunk are you?" She looked around, releasing his cheeks once she noticed the pairs of eyes on her.

"No, Joy, I am not." He smiled at her, a reassuring one, and her gaze softened.

"Who's that Jim?" His buddy, Frank, was the first one to speak up, nodding torwards Joyce.

"I-" She took a glance between all of them, before beginning to step back "No one-"

"-this is my girlfriend, Joyce." He cut her off and echoed proudly, and Joyce found her heart skiping a beat.

The way he said it with so much pride, no embarrassment or annoyance present in his tone caught her off guard, she had been used to being 'No one' to Lonnie, as he was embarrassed to even tell anyone they were toghether.

But Jim, he flailed the title around whenever he could, a proud smile overtaking him whenever he spoke of her, and it made her insides melt.

"Oh! So you're Joyce!" The man raised his shot and downed it before speaking again "Take a sit please," He smiled genuinely and the other men nodded.

Joyce felt comfortable, a bit of an uneasy feeling settling into her, she didn't know any of the men around Jim, but if he was here then she'd be safe. She nodded and Hopper moved aside, extending an arm for her to cuddle against his side.

"Jim speaks alot about you, yknow?" The older man looked between them, giving Jim a playful slap on the shoulder, Hopper simply rolled his eyes at the man, a faint shade of red following up his neck.

"Shut up, Joel." Hopper smiled fondly at the older man, patting him on the back.

Joyce settled into hid side, listening as the men talked about topics she had no idea about, finally feeling at ease around the men after awhile. She could tell they meant alot to Jim, so she wondered who they were.

"Jim, be a dear and fetch us some more drinks will you?" A man from the corner passed money to him, Hopper rolled his eyes but eventually smiled and nodded

"Joy, you wanna come with me?" He smiled down at her, stroking her arm with his thumb as she looked up at him and nodded.

"Alright, well be right back with your drinks, Sir." Hopper laughed, and stood up after Joyce, as the men behind then snickered.

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