uhm... motel half rewritten?...

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i got reminded this existed by someone!! so thank you...?? maybe..

anyway!! Motel chapter slightly rewritten?? it's not finished... do tell me if I should keep going..

!! does not mean I will get back on this fanfic.. just a specific request <3 !!

anyway,.. enjoy!?


It had been a long day for them, be it running around Russia, getting into a plane crash, breaking Hopper out of a prison and escaping commies... and some other minor details, Joyce was exhausted. Not that she wouldn't do it again, no, she definitely would, if it meant it would get her this same result.

And that result, precisely, would be her and Hopper, finally free from the cold depths of Russia as they stepped into the comfort and warmth of a motel room.

Yet, It didn't mean they felt completely safe, though they'd guess anything was better than that.. cold place. The room was unnerving and smelled of cramped air, but Joyce wouldn't dare be picky however... neither would hopper, really.

Joyce stepped into the room, taking in her surroundings as she shook her head, she was tired, tired enough not to pay much attention to everything, she did note there only being one bed, and how troublesome that could be. She also felt.. quite content with it.

She would be sharing the bed with Hopper tonight, she supposed.

She shrugged, a few seconds later, a movement caught her eye, Hopper had walked in the room behind her. He was wincing slightly as he sat down on a corner of the bed, sighing. Joyce didn't know what could be causing the man pain between the countless injuries, her heart ached.

Joyce, her heart sunken, walked over to hopper, carefully placing herself infront of the sitting man. Hopper was nearly at cheek level with her as his gaze raised to meet hers.

Joyce giggled despite the situation, it felt nice to be the one looking down for a change.

She focused her eyes on him again though, her hand tentatively rested on his cheek, running carefully and delicately over his wounds as it slowly traveled torwards his neck, she shivered herself as he watched Hopper shudder under her touch.

"oh.. jim.." She sighed sadly, lowering her head a little to rest against his as she stared into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, we.. I couldn't get to you sooner..." She pecked his cheek, trying her best to comfort him as she carefully stroked his face.

"Joyce—" His voice came out cracked, he winced slightly before trying again.

"Joyce.. you— you had no way of knowing..." He looked up at her as she backed away, wishing she didn't.

He stared at her as he longed for her to come back. He stared at the eyes he always tried to pick out the smallest hints from, hints that she might have wanted him, might have loved him. Hints he tried so desperately to comfort himself with, despite being barely, if not there.

But now, it was clearer. Somewhere in those brown eyes, the veil of doubt and uncertainty had been pulled back, and he could finally see thr love, a clear message in them.

'I finally know and can love you, and I really hope you still do too.'

And oh boy, what a fool he was, he did, of course he still did. He still adored her with all of his heart, ready to give himself up for anything she wanted, as he always had, and always will do. He would readily fall down to his knees at her will.

And somehow, he hoped his eyes conveyed that message, despite how broken, how cold, how anguished he felt. He hopes she still could see how much he loves her under there. Somewhere.

Hopper, well, he had never been a religious man, for quite a numerous amount of reasons. He remembered praying to god his father would leave his dear mother alone, covering his ears and crying silently as he prayed, prayed for him to leave. He remembered praying to god so Joyce, dear Joyce, Would be safe when he left for Vietnam. Praying next to his little girls bed, praying for her to be well... to get better.

Yet, none of those prayers were answered. His mother, gone, rest her poor soul, Joyce had been caught in Lonnie's sickening web of lies, and Sarah... oh his poor girl.

However, right then and there, as he watched Joyce step through that gate, her eyes threatening to spill over with tears, he knew.

Maybe God wasn't real, but she was.

And she was there, by his side, rescuing him, not for the first time. Joyce had always been what he needed.

"I know..." Joyce wistfully sighed again, she pinched the bridge of her nose, before drawing him closer. She let him. rest his head against her, and Hopper, despite his protesting ribs, didn't want it any other way.

"You know Hopper..." She started a train of thought, a slight amused smile stretching on her face as she heard his faint 'hmm?' in response, she shook her head.

"People in Hawkins considered you a hero."

Hopper froze for a few seconds, before a snicker came out of him, which grew into a loud laugh..- wheeze, then into a whim of pain.


hope you liked whatever that was... <3

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