Abandoned House.

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Joyce hated his guts.

Hated him and his awful attitude, hated his awfully enticing eyes, hated his broad, strong figure that he always seemed to ask shove around like a boar, his horrible (perfect) grin.

Joyce told herself that, that the feeling bubbling in her wasn't affection, it was annoyance, and he wasn't on her mind 24/7 because she was attracted to him, he just pestered her. She told herself she didn't love him.

However, when she found her eyes roaming his face longer than usual, eyes lingering on his lips, cheeks flushing with every poking, snarky remark of his, heat pooling within her legs during their bickering. Anyone would spell out the tension between them, and she wasn't blind to it either, finding it rather amusing during their angry remarks, fishing it out of his lips. Or, when she found her hand drifting down and bringing her higher than before with his image in her mind.

Maybe that was when she realised that she couldn't deny it anymore, the affection, the attraction, the love, it was all there, staring her down and she couldn't back up, already have gone too deep, already have fallen in love with this man. So, she opted for faking hatred.

"Goddamnit!" Hopper's fist pounded on the blocked door, his head resting against it as a growl escaped his lips.

"Calm down Hopper," Joyce sighed, feeling quite annoyed herself. "You already called Powell for help, nothing more we can do now." Her legs dangled off the counter — they had gotten stuck in some kind of abandoned house, Hopper had gotten a call about some rousy kids making a mess so he had to come investigate, and of course, the newly titled Dectective Byers had to come along —  She turned the flashlight in her hands, bringing her eyes up from it to Hopper.

"Unlike you, I got places I need to be at, Detective." He turned from the door, facing her, his face tense as he leaned back against the blocked door.

"What? Got a hot date?" She quirked an eyebrow, leaning back on her hands as she watched his gaze turn torwads her. His expressions conflicted before settling on nonchalant.

"That's none of your business." His expression hardened again, eyes falling on hers. She felt something twist in her stomach at the non denial, and she hated that she did.

"Bet she's real hot stuff," She rolled her eyes, feeling a sudden need to look away as his gaze grew intense, her stomach flipped when he pushed himself off the door, standing at his full height as he eyed her.

"Maybe like that bartender, what was her name? Linda? Carol? I don't know," He stared at her in silence, crossing the room until he was standing between her legs, staring her down with an renewed sense of anger. "I bet you don't know either." Joyce tilted her head up to face him, gulping at the suprising closeness, ignoring the sudden burning inside her.

"Stop. Like I said, 's none of your business." He growled, hands grasping at the counter on her sides, forcing her to sink under his towering frame.

"Maybe like that librarian? Marissa, was it?" Joyce spat her name, feeling an undeserved pool of jealousy.

"I told you to stop—"

"Oh! Or that store clerk? Maybe the coffee shop owner, or—"

"Shut the fuck up." His hand grasped at her jaw, not forcing it shut, but enough to have her startled. "My life is, like I said multiple times now, none of your fucking business," His eyes bored an strange, intense anger, one she hadn't seen before.

"And, why do you know so much about my love life?" She gulped, feeling her cheeks redden, for some reason. "You fuckin' obsessed with me or something, Byers?" He pulled her face closer, feeling her own breath mixed with his, Joyce's eyes fell shut, cursing him for making her like this.

"You are, aren't you?" She wondered if his voice had lowered In pitch, or if it was the arousal seething through her. "You probably think about me in the shower, or maybe while in bed, perhaps with another person."

She found her eyes drifting open, slightly suprised to find his eyes on her, dark with arousal, mirroring hers.

"Fuck, Hopper," Her eyes flew shut with a groan as his mouth met hers, it wasn't soft or chaste, it was pretty much the opposite, rough and messy, anger still seething through him, she could nearly feel it as he kissed her harshly, letting go of her jaw to grasp at her thigh, making her yelp into the kiss.

They broke the kiss for air many times, but never stopping it, she heard a faint groan falling from his lips between kisses, his body pressing against her even more, nearly hovering over her. Her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer against her, against where she was throbbing for him.

"Hop— Jesus, I need you," She panted against his lips, back arching into him when his hand found its way in-between them, sliding underneath her underwear, hovering over her entrance.

"Fucking knew it," He growled in her ear, his fingers sliding up to rub at her clit, eliciting a moan from her lips. "So wet already, wonder how long you've been thinking about me like this? Hm?" He teased, his finger ghosting over her entrance, making her hips buck into his hand. He slid a finger into her, pushing a moan from her lips, her head falling back.

"Yes, fuck, yes— Christ," Her eyes were shut tight, her teeth gritting in pleasure as he worked her with his hands. "It's— always been you, — so fucking good — Hop, your the only one I thought about."

His lips curled into a grin as he sped up his hand, adding another finger into her meanwhile his thumb rubbed at her clit. Moans fell from her lips faster than any time before, making her wonder what kinds of sounds he could get from her with his cock.

She felt her insides coil, her hands gripping the worn down concrete behind her, she gasped and moan as he projected he previous anger into his thrusts, hitting a spot deep inside her with his fingers that had her toes curling.

"Jim— shit— I'm so close," Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, mouth nearly watering at the intense feel between her legs, then, it stopped, he fucking stopped.

"What the hell?" She groaned, head lolling back, expecting to meet his gaze, instead met by him way lower than expected, on his knees to be exact. He dragged her pants and underwear off, then hooked her legs over his shoulders.

"You ready?" He grinned up at her through her thighs, she nearly teased him for the cockiness, but then his tongue was on her, doing unholy, sinful things to her, leaving her speechless as gasps and moans were the only sounds leaving her.

Christ, she never doubted Hopper was good with his tongue, having heard whispers and rumors from the scorned woman he had made his way through ( which was, by the way, nearly half of the town.) And they all seemed to say the same: Talented tongue, big cock, and damn good sex.

And here, in this very moment, she would say the same. The way he was making her feel was heavenly as she was pushed higher and higher, the corners of her eyes darkening as she was pushed to orgasm, her arms faltering as she let herself fall against the concrete, being pushed to a high she hadn't known before.

She felt him licking at her, cleaning her juices before backing away, standing tall above her as she panted, recovering from what she could only call pure bliss.

She felt his weight on her, pressing his lips to hers in a still harsh way, urging her to taste herself on his own lips, and when she was nearly about to beg him for more, his radio clicked alive.

"Chief, you there?" Powells voice rang through, a sound of disapproval left his throat as his head dropped to her collarbone with a sigh, then backed off, picking up his radio.

"I'm here, what's up?"

"We just got here, you and the Detective okay?" Hopper turned back around to the panting, flushed Joyce, eyes raking her body with an appreciative smile.

"Yeah, yeah we're good," He walked to the door, hearing the sirens nearing, sparing another look torwards Joyce, who was — on shaky legs — getting her underwear and uniform pants back on.

"Okay, well get you two out soon." With that Hopper set it down, walking over to Joyce again, grabbing her hips and pulling her In for a dizzying kiss, feeling her moan onto his mouth.

"Later." He rasped in her ear, she shuddered in anticipation, nearly hoping that later didn't mean too much time of waiting.

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