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It rang in her ears like a vice, holding her hostage through the whole fucking day. Between leaving that abandoned house at ten and walking around the station, meeting his eye, talking to him, anything, sent chills down her spine.

Her head dropped to her desk, groaning at the ache that hadn't left her all day long, if anything, it had only been growing stronger, harder to ignore. She glanced up at her clock, it was nearly time for her shift to end, and by this time no one was in the station, well, no one other than her and maybe a few officers.

She sighed as a shrill ran through her body at the sinful thoughts that plagued her mind, adrenaline pumping through every single little nerve ending, feeling her body shudder, she stood up. Ardently, she made her way out of the office.

"Powell?" She called out, watching as the man rose his head up, quirking an eyebrow at her. "Im leaving slightly early, if that's okay."

"Sure Mrs.Byers. Just be sure the Chief is fine with it, don't want him getting all pissy tomorrow." He nodded, turning his head back down to his desk, missing the way her cheeks reddened.

"Yeah.. I'm sure he's okay with it." She grasped her purse tighter and walked off the station, getting in her pinto and making her way to her boss's cabin.

She stopped in his driveway, bright headlights shining through his windows, illuminating the now still, quiet house. She wondered why he had choose this place to live, it was isolated and away from society, and seemed pretty lonely. Kind of in her favour.

She took a deep breath before exiting her car, considering turning back for a few seconds  before the goddamned insatiable ache between her legs thrummed, sending goosebumps through her body. She sat there for a few more seconds, before the chill of the cold night air hit her, sending her out of the car and into his porch.

She knocked on his door, pounding on it five times before stopping, and waiting for him to come open the door, the anticipation for whatever was about to happen bubbling in her stomach.

Soon enough she heard locks being undone, and he stepped out, a wary look on his face.

"Joyce?" He clicked his door shut, taking a few steps torwards her. "What are you doing here?" He glanced around warily, making sure no one was here besides them. She lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Chief," She nodded at him, smirking at his disheveled appearance, shirt nowhere to be found and in unbuttoned jeans that revealed the waist band of his white underwear. Her eyes shamelessly drifted over his figure, drawing it out before meeting his eye again. "You gonna let me in?" She nodded torwards the door, ignoring his previous question.

"Uh, yeah sure." He stepped back, pushing the door open and walking in, holding it for her. She stepped in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Hopper closed the door behind them, leaning against it as he eyed her curiously.

Joyce grabbed the bottle of alcohol off his counter and took a sip, coughing at he unexpectedly strong drink. Vodka.

"Jesus Jim," She placed it back and wandered over to him again, feeling the ache intensity as he eyed her intensely, a small smile tugging at his lips. She found her eyes drifting to it.

"What? Can't handle your alcohol, Detective?" He took a step forwards, pushing himself off the door, just the same as earlier today. It made her shiver with desire.

"Shut up," She stepped closer to him, hand coming up to meet his chest, his warm skin pleasant under her palm, enjoying the different texture of his skin and chest hair as she ran her fingers, grinning when she heard his breath hitch.

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