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Joyce sighed as she set the roller down, staring at her streaky lines all around her room's wall, her nose scrunched in slight annoyance and she realised that maybe she cant do this by herself.

She decided to call out for her oldest, who was the only one left in the house — Will had gone with the party for that strange game they play—  maybe he could help her.

"Jonathan?" She patted her hands over her already dirty shirt, trying to get them clean, leaving some paint marks in it, her eldest peeked his head through the door.

He snickered, trying his best to cover up a laugh that threatened to burn his throath.

"What?" Her hands flew to her hips, giving him an sassy stand with a small smile tugging at her lips. "What is it?"

"Mom," He laughed, walking through the door completly, the plastic on the floor underneath hum rattling as he stepped torwards her, he swiped a finger at her cheek — right under the eye — showing her the now light brown-stained finger.

Joyce snorted, before erupting into a full on hearthy laugh, her son joining her as the both of them laughed for atleast a few seconds.

"Hey," She snickered one last time, before re-focusing her attention on the boy again "Will you give me a hand with this?" She gestured around them, mainly to the streaks of scuffed paint.

Her boy's smile faltered, turning into a slightly nervous and a bit awkward as his hand found it place behind his neck. "Uh, I was gonna leave to hang out with Nance just now.. but—"

"—Oh! No, no, it's okay sweetheart. Go have fun with Nancy." She waved her hands no, standing on the tip of her toes to place a kiss on Jonathan's cheek, who — slightly embarrassed— smiled.

"Thanks momma," The boy smiled, hand coming to his cheek to check for paint. She rolled her eyes playfully. "You could call Hopper though, I heard him ranting about something to do with helping Mrs.Wheeler with painting her house one time." Jonathan hummed, turning his back on her and yelling a goodbye.

Joyce's cheeks were dusted a faint shade of red (despite all the paint). She mulled the thought over in her head, calling Hopper sounded like a good idea. However, it also sounded dangerous.

She had noticed the tune they've both been dancing too, their secret, sinful dance as they both tried to quell the ardent flame of desire, need, that seemed to ignite even more as time went by. Joyce knew it was a dangerous move, a move that could either change things between them, or end up just fanning that fire, making it harder to ignore.

She sighed, running a hand through her hair then regretting it immediately. Paint.

"Fuck it." She declared to herself, anyway or the other she didn't know why she was so anxious about what would happen if he came over, maybe she was stressing out for nothing, and if something did happen, why was she stressing out for something she wanted so much? The simple thought of Hopper got her knees buckling, a big wave of nervousness, desire and need washing over her.

She matched her way to the phone in her kitchen, and ardently dialed Hoppers number. The phone rang. Once, she felt her gut twist. Twice, her palms started sweating, three times now, she gulped, her breath coming laboured as she cursed herself for being so nervous over such a simple thing.

"Hello?" His voice replaced the rings, and it was like a soothing wave washed over her, feeling the nervousness fade away, replaced by every single nerve ending of hers lighting on fire, longing to have him here.

"Hop," She spoke his name in a nearly dreamy sigh, a smile tugging at her lips. "Hi."

"Joyce," Her smile grew wider, loving the way he spoke her name. "Everything okay?"

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