881 words of Hopper pining over Joyce

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As Hopper enters the kitchen he finds her there, Joyce, she was making lunch presumably for the kids.

He carefully walked over to where she was and leaned on the counter behind the one where she was working at, smiling at the woman's obliviousness of him being there.

Hopper could stay like this all day, finding comfort next to the woman's presence. Something about seeing her calm and at ease made Hoppers nerves die down.

Deep down he had always cared about Joyce, ever since highschool despite all the screwing around with other people, Joyce was still the only one he'd care about, the only one he wouldn't just lay down with and dissapear after.

Hoppers lips curled into an even bigger smile as he thought about the beautiful woman standing right infront of him working peacefully.

She was and always will be the most beautiful woman Hopper had ever laid eyed upon, the way she messes with his heart is unbelievable.

Anyone who would look at Hopper would immediately scrunch their noses and wave him off as a rude and brute person who didn't care about anything.

But Joyce was different she saw in him what no one else did, she was able to tug at his heart strings and pull out the emotion he had locked into his heart for so long


Hopper loved Joyce, he was sure of it even after so much time of promising himself he would never fall in love again.

But then Joyce came into his life and his promise changed, he wouldn't ever fall in love again unless it was her by his side.

He loved the way her eyebrows raise whenever she's intrigued, how her nose scrunched up whenever she didn't quite like something, how her hard and tired brown eyes would soften up whenever he came around, her laugh.

Oh how he loved hearing her laugh, he would do anything to pull atleast a few chuckles out of her if it meant she was happy.

He loved the was she would dance whenever her favourite songs came up on the radio, he also loved the way she would pull him in and reel him to dance with her sometimes.

He loved the feeling of pure bliss whenever he woke up laying down next to her watching her sleep peacefully by his side, reminding him that she was his, and that he was hers.

He loved the way she would furrow her brows and look at him angrily whenever they argued.

He absolutely was had a crush on this women despite them being married, he would cherish every moment whenever he caught a glance of bare skin by accident, don't get him wrong, he absolutely loved their intimate times and the way he could worship her body like she deserved, but it was those accidental moments that would drive him insane and get him weak on the knees.

Whenever he would she a slight part of her bare stomach whenever she lifter her arms, or when he'd get a glance at her side boob on a tight shirt, whenever he'd accidentally walk in on her changing and more.

Needless to say, he had a big crush on his wife, and he doesn't think that will change anytime soon.

He couldn't believe how him, Jim Hopper, Chief of the police, could be brought down to his knees as easily as Joyce had him do so.

He chuckled at the thought smiling contently as he realised that probably had alarmed Joyce as he heard a quiet yelp.

Joyce turned around to the sudden noise her ears catching on to the sound she recognised as Hoppers laugh, only to meet his gaze when she turned around.

"Hop? How long have you been standing there?" Her own expression relaxes as she fully turns around facing him, a soft smile tugging at her lips.

"Just about a few minutes." He smiles, the soft smug smile that always brightens Joyce's day.

"You look beautiful today Joy." Hopper grabs her waist and pulls her into him, she responds by placing her head on his chest.

"You tell me that everyday Hop." She chuckles, it was true Hop did tell her that everyday but it didn't change the fact that it always got her cheeks a little more pink

"Well, maybe you just look beautiful everyday." He slouches just enough to be at nearly Joyce's height making his head just slightly high enough so she would have to raise her head up for a kiss.

Joyce can't help but smile at him she knew she loved him alot and the best part was that she knew Hopper loved her back.

Joyce wrapped her hands around Hoppers neck and pulled her body up enough for her mouth to be inches away from his, she could feel his breath on her face as they stared into eachothers eyes.

"I love you Hop." She mumbled into his lips happily as he returned the kiss.

Hoppers heart fluttered as they kissed and he moved his arms up to Joyce's back rubbing it softly.

When they finally pulled away Hopper was smiling like a dork, making Joyce giggle.

"I love you too Joy." He pressed another kiss to her lips as she smiled contently.

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