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<< set in s1, a little deviant from Canon, but I tried to add a bit more of history to their sexual tension.>>



"Mom..." Jonathan insisted through the other side of Joyce's room once again. "Please, let me come in." He sighed in deafeat once again, having tried multiple times to go in and talk to her, always getting a no as an anwser.

"Jonathan, just.. please.." The boys ears perked up as his mom talked. "Let me be alone.. I promise ill be okay." She talked with a strangled voice from the inside of the room, her voice echoed through the walls of the empty house.

"Alright, mom." He complied, he would leave her alone for while until she decided to come out.

He heard a relieved sigh from the door and pinched his nose, then walked over to the couch. He sighed, if only he hadn't worked extra yesterday Will would still be here, and not.. missing.

His head hung low in shame, how could he have done this? Why didn't he think of others? Why had he been so selfish that night?

The boy wallowed in shame as he buried his head in his hands, his own tears prickling at his eyes, threatening to spill over as he fought them back.

He wished he could go back, and not work extra that day. If he didn't work those damned hours, Will wouldn't be missing, Lonnie wouldn't have came over threatening and manipulating his mom into giving him money.

God, he hates Lonnie so much. He hates him for doing what he did to his mom, abusing and destroying her mentally, leaving her suffering to go hook up with some random bitch at the bar. He hates him for taking his childhood away.

He wishes he could have had a happy childhood, with a good father and a loving home. God he just wanted to feel like a child again, like how he felt before Lonnie turned bat shit crazy.


It had been nearly 6 hours and his mom still hadn't gotten out of her room. He was starting to get worried.

He stood up and walked to her room once again, maybe hoping that maybe this time she would come out and not sulk herself in guilt.

He knocked softly on the door, and heard no response. He knocked again, same thing.

"Mom?" He tried to open the door, finding it locked now, he pounded on the door now, worried that his mom had done something stupid.

"Mom!? You better not have done anything stupid!" He yelled still pounding on the door "Answer me!" Tears started forming again  from the anxiety building up, he couldn't loose his mom too.

Joyce sat next to her drawer, bottle of pills in hand as she stared down at it. She stated at the thing that could end it all right now, could end all of her suffering. She popped the cap off.


Realization and fear hit her first before she could do anything, she chucked it far away to the other side of the room and curled herself into a ball, hugging her knees and just shaking, she couldn't cry anymore, she had no strength to.

She hated herself for even considering doing it, what if Will was still out there? And Jonathan, she couldn't leave him either.

She couldn't give up on finding Will, but at that moment everything just felt so numb, it had been six days since he went missing and they had counted him dead, from a fake body they found on the lake.

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