Chief's Secretary.

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Joyce stared down at the letter in her hands, it was from her manager, they had lowered her work hours again.

She sighed, knowing she had to apply for a new job soon, they were starting to pay her less and less by the time and she was needing the money.

She stood up as she heard the oven timer beep, signalizing the meatloaf was done cooking, she remembered Hopper and Jane we're coming over for dinner tonight.

Joyce stood up from the chair she was on and walked to the oven, she grabbed a nearby cloth to take it out of the oven, placing it on top of the counter to let it cool off a bit.

Soon enough, she heard the doorbell ring and an enthusiastic shout from Jane outside.

"Mamaaa!! It's ussss!" Joyce chuckled as she walked to the door, unlocking and pulling it open to reveal a very exited teenager.

"Hello Jane," Joyce looked around as Jane rushed to Will's room, Hopper was... nowhere?

"Janee! Where's Jim?" Joyce yelled out to the girl, standing by the doorway.

"He went to get something in the car mama!" Jane yelled back to her, for some reason she felt relieved.

She looked away from the doorway and want back torwads the kitchen, leaving the door open just a crack so Jim knew it was open.

Just as Joyce finished setting down some plates on the table, she heard the entrance door creek and a loud, gruffy call out.


"Joyce." Hopper tipped his hat with a laugh, heading her way.

"Hello, Hopper." She smiled, finishing to set the plates down.

"Here, let me help you." Jim set his belongings down on a corner of the table, helping her get some cups and the cutlery to set down.

"So, how have you been doin' Joyce?" Hopper questioned from the other side of the table, his eyes not meeting hers however, he was focused on setting down the table.

Joyce smiled, she couldn't help but think about having this everyday, Hopper living with them. It would be a privilege to wake up everyday next to him, wake up to his scruffy hair and beard as he snored, or to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought, but she couldn't they we're just friends right?

Joyce was lost deep in thought, Hopper and her we're, and have been, such good friends for all of this time, why was she feeling this way these past months..?

Joyce thought.. and thought..



She was in love with her bestfriend

"Joycee??" Hopper waved his hand infront of her face from the otherside of the table, his eyes now meeting hers as she snapped out of thought, her face reddening.

"Oh! Um sorry, got lost in thought." She sighed.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Hopper smiled mischievously as he sat down across from her. God, he looked fucking handsome. Damn him and his white button down and police uniform pants.

Joyce couldn't tell him about the reason she was stuck in thought just now, so she cane up with the first excuse in her mind.

"Ah, well," She sat down across from him "They keep docking my hours at work.. I'm worried I have to try and find a new one." She sighed, it wasn't the true answer, but it was good enough.

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