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Joyce found herself trapped to the wall of Murray's living room, and somehow found herself feeling aroused.

Her and Hopper had gotten into an argument —a dumb one if she had to say so—, but Joyce wasnt one to back down from an argument, she was standing her ground.

"Joyce, you really get on my nerves, you know that?" Hopper stepped closer, and Joyce found her insides fluttering, she couldn't back up anymore, she was against backed against the wall by the door to Murray's bathroom.

"Well, so do you!" She retorted, somehow fishing that angry remark off his lips, the anger previously boiling up inside of her making way for something else.

Hopper lunged at her, hand coming to grasp at her throat pulling her face torwards his with a growl, staring down at her.

"You piss me off sometimes, Joyce." He growled into her ear, hand of her neck tightening slightly, but not enough to choke her.

Joyce felt her stomach flip, anger torwards the man infront of her suddenly being buried deep down as arousal shot to her core.

"Yeah?" She teased, his other hand coming to grip at her hair pulling on it to raise her head torwards himself roughly, she whimpered at the tug "Show me, show me how much i piss you off." He pulled her torwards himself harder, connecting their lips in a fierce, angry kiss.

Joyce moaned at the sudden contact, finally getting what she has been wanting for so long, Hoppers lips on hers. Hopper lunged her backwards, slamming her against the wall roughly, lips leaving hers to lunge at her neck, sucking harshly at her pulse point.

"Hop.." She groaned, his hand on her her neck now groping at her breasts through the fabric as he bit her neck. "Fuck, Hopper.. Murray.." She tried to warn, and he growled, backing away from her completely.

His hand on her hair tightened, pulling her with him as she yelped, opening the door to Murray's bathroom, then slamming it closed behind himself, locking it. Joyce stood by the sink, watching hungrily as Hopper made his way to her.

"Im still pissed off." He growled, grabbing at her hips harshly, bending her over to face herself into the mirror of the sink, stomach pressed up against the marble. She groaned at the roughness, bracing herself up on her elbows, as her eyes met his in the mirror.

"I want you to watch." He rumbled, his hands wandering to take off her shirt pulling it off along with her bra. She gulped, throbbing with antecepation.

His hands roamed over her bare back, sliding down to her breasts, groping at them harshly, she moaned her body becoming malleable under his rough touch, his hand quickly came to her mouth, silencing her.

"You gotta be quiet Joyce, Murray can hear us at any time." He bit at her shoulder, making her yelp into his hand as he effectively muffled her sounds, his other hand coming down to slide her pant and undergarments off, leaving her bare before him.

He slid a finger through her wetness, she bucked her hips against his touch, his calloused digits unfamiliar to her, a good kind of unfamiliar.

"You're so wet already Joyce," He whispered, sliding a finger inside her as she bit down a yelp against his hand "Does me being pissed off get you going or something?" She nodded, embarrassingly eager.

Hopper added another finger, pumping in and out of her roughly, stretching her out, she muffled her moans into his hand, her shoulders giving away as she slumped down on the sink, her eyes drifting up to the mirror, watching Hopper finger her made her shudder in an unexplainable way.

"Shit.. Hopper.." She muffled against his hand, feeling his grip loosening to let her talk. "Fuck, I'm so close, don't stop." She moaned, her head faltering, hitting the sink.

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