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It had been a few months since they started dating and Hopper kept his word, coming over most days after the end of his shift. Today, stopping by the Wheelers to pick up El and Will who had spend the whole day much to his disagreement, ( he wasnt a fan of that Wheeler boy. ) then making his way over to Joyce's.

He listened as the kids chatted in the backseat over the faint hum of the radio, he placed an arm on the window and rested his hand against his fist, the other gripping the steering wheel as he drove through the now mostly dark road.

A small smile creeped up his face as he approached Joyce's driveway, pulling into it then watching as both kids climbed out and grabbed their bikes from the back of the truck before he turned it off.

He stepped out aswell and reminded himself not to kiss Joyce as soon as she opened the door, well, not while El and Will were around. He knocked on the door five times and waited for an answer, shoving his hands in his uniform pockets.

Soom enough, Joyce's head popped up from behind it, then opened it completly a beaming smile on her face when she spotted him and the kids, making way for the kids - who rushed inside- then turning back torwards him and walking outside, leaving the front door open three inches behind them.

"Hi." She greeted, her smile only growing impossibly bigger by the second.

"Hi," He gave her a wide smile, hands coming up to cup at her cheeks, rubbing his thumbs over them lovingly.

She stepped closer, flinging her arms around him in a tight embrace. Something in his head alarmed as he backed away from her, leaving her with an neutral, questioning expression.

On any other occasion he would have cherished it, but it just so happened he had worked an eight hour shift and probably hadn't been smelling the best.

"Joyce, I worked all day, I smell bad." He explained and she laughed. His heart fluttered and he felt an smile of his own quip at his lips. He loved her laugh.

"Oh come on, Hop," She gave him the biggest grin he'd ever seen on her and opened her arms, he sighed and stepped forward again, letting his own arms wrap around her.

"You can take a shower if you want, dinner's gonna take a while." She sighed, melting into his embrace. His strong, protective embrace. "And I think i got some of your clothes around from, you know, those nights you stayed over." Her expression darkened for a second, he nodded, grateful to atleast not be smelling like sweat.

He leaned his head down to place a kiss on her head and she looked up, rising to her tippy toes to meet his lips with hers, a soft, calming kiss, a moment shared between the both of them.

Just an inoccent little kiss had his heart peating faster, he'd waited so long for the time he could finally do this, for the time he could actually kiss Joyce Byers, he kissed her like couldn't believe he was allowed to, to kiss her whenever he wanted ( well, when the two troublemakers weren't around, atleast for now.)

"Joyce," He pulled away first, placing a kiss on her forehead then taking a step back. "I'd love to stay here and makeout with you, but I'd rather be smelling good during it." He looked down at her seriously and she snorted, turning around an pushing the door open motioning him to follow.

"Hey Chief." Jonathan waved at him from the couch, eyeing them both suspiciously for a while. Hopper gulped nervously and waved at the boy, trying not to seem to suspicious about following his mom into her room.

Joyce stepped through her room's door, rummaging around her closet for a good while, meanwhile he just stood at the doorway, slightly unsure of what to do.

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