That damned police uniform

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Joyce sat at her usual spot behind the counter in Melvalds, waiting for her terribly boring shift to end so she could go home to the kids and her bed.

Today had been a fairly boring day, very little customers had wandered in, and Donald hadn't given her any items to restock so she was just stuck behind her desk staring into the nothingness.

She found it strange and slightly upsetting that Hopper hadn't come to visit her today. He would usually waltz in the store near lunch time or whenever he's available, sometimes pretending to be interested in something in the store just to see her. But now it was getting awfully closer to the end of her shift and he still hadn't come to visit.

He was what she wanted more today, she'd give anything to see him walk inside the store giving her the usual smug grin dressed up in his sexy police uniform, Joyce had to admit how guilty she was by how much his uniform turned her on occasionaly.

She sighed and glanced over at the clock by her side, 20 minutes until her shift ended. She figured no one else would come around the store so she started closing everything, locking the register and putting up a closed sign at the front door, then wandering off to the storage room to clean up any mess left back there.

Joyce presumed it had been about 10 minutes since she'd been in there until she heard the bells jingling at the main entrance, signalizing someone had come in the store.

'Can't they see the closed sign?' Joyce mumbled to herself, clearly annoyed as she stepped closer to the storage room door opening it just an inch, for the person on the other side to hear.

"We're closed!" She shouted from behind the door sighing, hoping that would make the person embarrassed and turn around to go away.

After a while of listening out she hadn't heard the bells ringing again signing the person had left, in fact she swore she had heard someone near the shelves just moments ago.

She growled and stepped out of the door swinging it open with her eyes closed In frustration not noticing the tall man leaned against the counter near the cash register just staring at her smugly.

"Didn't you hear me! We are closed!" She shouted again hoping whoever it was had heard it now, she sighed and as she was about to turn around a voice chipped behind her.

"Oh are you? What a shame." Hopper closed his eyes and shaked his head fake sadness as he looked away to the side, forcing his lips not to curl onto a smile.

"Hopper?" Joyce questioned, her anger fading away as she turned back now finding her mouth agate as she stared at the man.

He was in his usual police uniform which was already a pleasant sight to Joyce, but this time was different. His blazers top buttons we're open revealing his white undershirt and his hair was as messy as Joyce had ever seen it before as he exhaled a puff of smoke from hid cigarette, she quickly turned away hiding the blush creeping on to her face slowly and trying to ignore the heat on her lower abdomen.

"The one and only." He chuckled now giving her an even bigger smirk "Anyway it's a shame that I have to leave, since, you know, the store is closed and all." He gestures with his hands to the door lifting his body off the counter with a smug look on face.

"Wait, wait wait no! Don't go." Joyce walked to him grabing his wrist to atleast try and prevent him from moving, which she doubts she ever could due to the size of the man.

"I didn't mean itttttt, Hoppeeerr" She elongates her sentence crying out as he takes a slight step forward, pulling her with him despite her efforts, clearly amused.

"You seemed like you did." He stopped and finally looked at her now swapping their places making her be the one with her back to the counter.

"Fineee, maybe I did." She rolled her eyes jokingly trying not to let the smile tug at her lips to fool Hopper."if it wasn't you I'd mean it.." She mumbled completely oblivious that Hopper was clearly close enough to hear her.

"Oh is that so, Horowitz?" He leans, his body trapping her to the counter as he towers over her with both of his hands on the counter on each side of hers.

Joyce gulped her face growing redder by the second as she looked up at the man trapping her in-between his arms as he dabbed the cigarette on the counter, crushing the little that was left of it.

'Holy fuck.' Was the one of the two things her brain would processes, the other one being how sexy Hopper looked right now above her.

"Joyce?" He called out to her, maybe it was her imagination but she swore his tone was more gravely than usual and his eyes sparked with hunger.

"Joyce.." He lowered his head, now whispering her name into her ear hoping to get the woman's attention this time.

A pool of heat formed in Joyce's abdomens once again, making her bite her lip and now stare up onto his eyes, hers probably gave out how deeply she wanted Hopper at the moment.

"fuck..Hop." She stared up at him both of her free hands lacing around his neck as she leaned in closer to his face. She felt like a horny teenager all over again, Hopper made her feel like that. "God, you look so sexy in that uniform.. you make me want to do things.." She groaned looking him up and down.

"Things, huh?" He smirked "Show me, show me what you want to do.

She slammed her lips onto his, moving one of her hands to grasp around his neck and to his shoulder and the other one pulling him closer to her by the side of his head.

Hopper responded by grabing her waist and slouching so she could get a better angle for the kiss, Joyce harshly turned them around making Hopper slam her against the storage room door making a loud rattle as she hit the metal door.

Hopper broke the kiss for a moment to try and check if she was okay, but Joyce pulled him in hungrily again tasting every bit of him as she allowed his tongue to enter her mouth.

Her hands snaked down to Hoppers blazer her hand slowly running down his police badge.

She smirked into the kiss. The feeling of her, Joyce Byers "the crazy woman", being able to make the hunk of a man infront of her submit was more than thrilling to her, it turned her on way too much.

She had the chief of police on his knees for her.

Chief Jim Hopper.

Her hands roamed away from his police badge, now ending up on his blazers buttons that weren't undone as she started unbuttoning them one by one.

However Hopper stopped her placing his hands over hers and moving away from her, earning him a dissapointed hungry look from Joyce.

"Im not telling you to stop Joyce," he reassures her, now getting a confused look to why he stopped. "Just thinking we should move this to somewhere more..private." He whispers and nibbles on her ear while running his hands up and down at the sides of her stomach.

Joyce's heart skips a beat and melts onto his touch.

"The store is closed Hopper, and no one is here anymore" She whispered into his ear with a low, sultry grinning at the feeling of him shuddering "So just shut up and fuck me against the counter already."

"Jesus woman, you've got a way with words." He growled and pick her up rotating them and placing her on the counter as he kissed her hungrily, his hands roaming her body slowly as she squirmed underneath her touch.

What had she gotten herself into now.

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