Just Pretend?

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Joyces mind was racing, between all of the noises at the obnoxiously loud bar she was in, but the only thing her mind would focus on hearing was the screams of the angry man running after her. Joyce had ended things with Lonnie about a year ago but the man seemingly wouldn't leave her alone whenever he saw her, screaming insults at her and calling her all kinds of names.

But this one was one of his worst outbursts, Joyce could tell he was drunk as hell as he ran after her screaming profanities and curses. Joyce ran fast enough to be out of his sight for a while, her eyed scanning the room for some kind of help.

That's when she laid eyes upon him,


He was sitting near the bar, giving away a few inches of height as he slouched raising his hand at the barista for another drink. Joyce and him had been talking over this year, catching up and eventually becoming friends again as he would pass by Melvalds often, so that's why her heart fluttered with relief as she walked up to him quickly and sat beside him.

"Joyce? What are you doing here?" His eyes widened with suprise as a slight grin tugged at his lips.

"Hopper, I need help, please." She slurred out quickly and scooted closer to him as she started hearing Lonnies incessant cries.

"Uh.. what? Is everything okay-" Hopper questioned his face dropping the grin as he gazed upon her eyes, finally straightening his posture, she pushed herself up to whisper in his ear.

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend Hop, please, he's here." She whispered, her mind starting to race with thoughts, what if Hopper said no? Lonnie would take her.

Hoppers eyes widened and for a second she could have swore his cheeks darkened slightly, but he snapped out of it quickly. He placed an arm around her back pushing her torwards him, making her flush against his side.

As he asked the barista for another shot her eyes darted around looking for Lonnie, finally spotting him coming around a corner, he seemed to spot her too.

"Joyce! You bitch!" He yelled at her coming closer in fast steps, seemingly not noticing Hopper.

Hopper growled by her side kissing the crown of her head and standing up to face a now angry and confused Lonnie.

"You got a problem with my girlfriend asshole?" He barked at him using his height to intimidate Lonnie as he glared down.

"Girlfriend?" He spit, eyes glancing torwards Joyce who was now against Hoppers back hiding behind him. "Seriously Joyce? You left me for the chief?" He sneered

"Yeah? What about it?" Hopper pushed Joyce next to him sliding an arm around her as she did the same.

"I don't believe you." Lonnie angrily grumbled towards Joyce and took a step forward, making Hopper step torwards him, their faced now inches from each other as they glared.

A smirk formed on his face as he backed down from Hoppers face and looked between the both of them, looking as if he had cracked a code.

"Kiss then." He simply stated, smiling smugly.

This fucking son of a bitch, Hopper wanted to desperately slap the shit out of him and beat him up after, but he dared not to move as he knew Joyce would disagree, she was never one for violence.

"Liste--" He tried to talk but got interrupted by Joyce.

"Fine." She said stepping forward and looking into Hoppers eyes.

Hopper stared at her in disbelief, his eyes were weary as he stared back at her confident and sexy ones. He had to admit, he had always wanted to kiss Joyce Byers, God, he has always wanted her since highschool.

Joyce smiled mischievously up at him, not a single doubt in her eyes.

Joyce would be lying if she said she didn't want this, she had been curious as to how Hoppers lips would feel on hers, how he would touch her whole body covering every inch of her with his big hands, how she would drown in his blue eyes while he fucks her senseless into a mattress.

That's why her mind went blank when he placed his hands on her hips, lowering his head to meet hers, his eyed were doubtful as he stared into hers, so she took it upon herself to make the move.

She stood up on her tiptoes to tug at Hoppers collar, finally connecting his lips to hers as she slung her arms around his shoulders. His heart beat speed up by hundred as he could feel his body getting warmer every second, he groaned into her mouth once she stared running her hands around through his body exploring his back and chest with soft touches. He reciprocated the touch running his hand up her stomach and another one to her thigh earning his a slight mewl from Joyce.

Joyce had been so enveloped in the moment that she hadn't noticed Lonnie was long gone, to her all that mattered to her was Hopper and how he touched her so good, she didn't plan on her night ending with Hopper running his hands through her body his hands dangerously close to her core as her body thrummed with excitement.

When they broke apart both of them were panting heavily and looking deep onto each other eyes.

"So.. um... Fuck, Joyce.." Hopper tried pulling away from her awkwardly, but Joyce had other plans pulling him closer to her rubbing her body against hers making him groan. She was tired of waiting, tired of pushing this feelings away, she wanted to take him home today and let him have his way with her.

"Take me home with you Hopper." She mumbled against his chest, her arms snaking down to grab at his hips.

"Fuckk.. Joyce you can't, just.. "he slurred as her hands snaked down even more now looking up at him, taking in his lust filled, flustered and panting face. She smiled mischievously giving him a pleased hum, she was incredibly pleasured seeing the effect she had on him.

"Fine." He growled picking her up and leading her out torwards his blazer.

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