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Hopper hummed contently as he stepped into the house, relishing the sudden feeling of warmth on his skin. He carefully wandered in, taking off his snow covered boots by the entrance as shaking it off to the outside before placing them next to Joyce's.

He inspected the house, it was mostly dark as he glanced around, he assumed Joyce had went to take a nap, he smiled to himself, she had today off and deserved to rest.

He carefully shut the front door, a awfully loud clink emminating from it into the silent house, he took off his coat and hanged it, then made his way to their bedroom.

He stepped quietly, praying that none of the floorboards would creek or the door wouldn't loudly screech as he tries to open it as slowly as he could, fortunately it didn't.

He opened it slowly, peeking into it when it was almost fully open, and sure enough there was a sound asleep Joyce with a book in her hand.

His heart ached at the sight, had she been waiting for him then fell asleep?, he smiled warmly as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind himself.

"..mmf.." He turned his head alert to Joyce, who was now rubbing at her eyes in sleep "..Hopper?.." Her eyes fully opened as she sat up, watching as he approached.

"Im here." He responded, leaning over his side of the bed to peck her cheek, then moving away again, to the closet.

" are you gonna come to bed? What time Is it?" She hugged the covers tightly above herself, keeping her warm from the cold outside.

"Yeah, I will. It's about midnight." He answered, shrugging off his shirt and pants, then putting on a long sleeve shirt and some pants.

"..okay." Joyce shifted herself back down again, this time placing the book in the nightstand and snuggling her covers.

Hopper went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, then came back to an already half asleep Joyce. He pushed his side of the covers aside and slid in, feeling his body warm up more under the weight of the blankets.

He turned around on his side, inching closer to Joyce, then wrapping an arm around her, hand coming to lay just right on her stomach and sliding her flush against him.

"Hey! Get off!" Joyce suddently jumped up, swatting him away.

"What? What's wrong?" Hopper asked confused, staring at her through furrowed brows.

"You're cold." She slithered more to her side of the bed, turning herself to face him with a grumpy look.

A loud laugh escaped Hoppers lips, covering hid mouth as he laughed, meanwhile Joyce looked at him with a challenging look.

"Jesus," He chuckled, laugh finally coming to pause as he catches his breath. "Get over here, Joyce." He extended his arms to her, and she shook her head no.

"I don't want your cold hands and feet on me." She glared, making Hopper shake his head and smile, retrieving his hands to himself.

"Okay." Hopper nodded, closing his eyes and shifting to his back. Joyce gave him an half confused look.

"What? You're not gonna insist?" She said, confused, eyeing him as he simply shook his head no.

Silence hung in between them, he could feel Joyce's gaze on him. He heard a low mumble before feeling the covers shifting and a sudden warmth pressed up to his side. He opened one eye, glancing down at her, finding her gaze on him aswell.

"I actually like the cold." She mumbled grumpily, a clear excuse to just wanting to cuddle. Hopper raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" She nodded, eyes adverting from his for a second, a half confident look on her face. "Then I guess you don't mind if I do this."

Hopper slid his hand inside the back of her shirt, laying it on her lower back.

"Hop--!" She shrieked, jumping slightly at the cold touch, head burying in his chest as he felt goosebumps for underneath his touch.

"What?" He drawed out the word, teasing her. "Thought you liked the cold?" She looked up at him, a angry, grumpy, expression forming on her face.

"No," She shooed his hand off her, placing it back over her shirt, "I don't like the cold, but." She paused, lifting her body to come face to face with Hopper.

"But?" He asked, lifting a brow.

"But, I like you." She said, a teasing grin slowly framing her face, he smiled shaking his head, meeting her eyes with calm, love struck one's.

She leaned in, pressing a kiss on his lips, soft and quick, before sinking back down, cuddling up to his chest.

"Night, Joyce." He said, sinking into the comfort of her warmth by his side.


Sorry for another short one, I'll try to get some bigger ones to you guys when i have the time, so for now I'm just writing these short ones so I don't leave you with no updates 😪

Anyway, i have an idea for a kind of long one which might include smut (😖), but it's probably gonna take a while for me to have time, since school is starting and all.

Hope you all are doing great.


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