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Today had been a long one, between running around Russia, getting into a plane crash, breaking Hopper out of a prison and escaping from Commies, Joyce had to say, even though it turned out in her getting hurt, she would do it countless times again if it meant she would get the same ending in all of them.

And that ending would be her and Hopper, finally free from the cold depths of Russia as they stepped into a motel room, it was slightly unnerving,  had the usual smell of cramped air and some random lavender perfume, but it was enough, she wouldn't dare be picky about this.

She waltzd into the room taking in her surroundings, the room had a yellowish wallpaper and a bed with white covers draping over it, her lips tugged into a discreet smile,

She would be sharing the bed with Hopper tonight.

She hummed, content with the outcome as she watched Hopper walk in behind her, sitting down in a corner of the bed, wincing in slight pain at something she didn't quite know what it was, so she assumed that it was probably one of his many wounds bothering him.

She walked to him carefully placing herself right infront of him, Hopper was at nearly at cheek level with her as he sat down on the bed. It felt nice to be the one looking down for a change. She placed a hand on his cheek, running over the few cuts and bruises he had along way his jawline and neck, watching him shudder under her touch.

"Oh, Jim." She sighed lowering her head to rest her forehead againt his, placing a quick kiss on his cheek as he hummed contently"Im sorry we didn't get to you sooner.." She sighed, her breath hitting his face, giving him a
warm feeling as she rubbed his cheeks in comforting circlesplpp

" you had no way of knowing." He looked up at her as she backed away from his face looking at him with her brown doe eyes.

The eyes he used to always try to pick out little hints from, hints that she might have wanted him, might have loved him, hints he tried so desperately to comfort himself with, even when sometimes she let him down, he would never give up on her unless she gave him a clear stop sign.

But now, it was clearer than ever, somewhere in those loving brown eyes was the validation he had always craved so hard for, her eyes showed him clear messages, she loved him and was putting it out for him in display. He couldn't see any hesitation anymore, all he was getting from her was an 

'I love you, and I really hope you still do too.'

And oh boy, he did. He still loved this woman with all of his heart, he'd still give her anything she wanted right there on the spot. Despite his broken ribs and a possible broken ankle, he would still get down on his knees and worship her if she asked him to do so.

And he hoped his eyes conveyed that message to her, despite all of the darkness and broken thoughts behind them, he hopes she could see in them how much he still loves her.

Hopper had never been a religious man for many reasons. He remembers praying to God that his father wouldn't touch his mother ever again, covering his ears and praying, praying that he would leave and never come back. Praying to God so that he would keep Joyce safe when he left for Vietnam. Praying next to his little girls bed, praying for her to be well.

And none of those were answered, none of those prayers had helped him, his mother ended up getting diagnosed with tuberculosis after a trip to the hospital because of his father. Joyce had been caught in Lonnies web, caught in his sickening lies, just like his poor mother, and Sara, did he even need to explain?

But, right then and there whenever Joyce stepped through that gate her eyed threatening spilling over with tears as she enveloped him into a hug, he knew, maybe God wasn't real, but Joyce was. She has always been by his side whenever he needed, pulling him out of his alcoholism and pills problem at his most desperate times, maybe, just maybe he didn't dare pray to God ever again, but he sure could worship someone like her.

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