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Is he...? I've never seen his face in my dream but I've seen that smile, even though I'm dead but can't forget that beautiful and warm smile, he's definitely mine, but I'm just waiting for the time.

I asked "Barcode...Where do you live..? I'll drop you off.... "

"No,P'... I'll manage..." He said. I said angrily "How do you manage..? With these hurting legs..? Are you out of mind .... Barcode..? Don't talk back... Just tell me where you live...?"
Uh... This baby boy really getting on my nerves

"Just 10 mins walking...P'... I'll manage " he said...I stared at him...he suddenly became silent and started walking... he took a few steps he tripped and fell to the ground...in a second...I grabbed his hand and pulled him..his body collided with mine. His hand automatically wrapped around my waist and his eyes penetrated mine... that look tolds  How much he loves me...after the rejection how much pain he endures.... Tears came to his eyes automatically... Tears rolled down his buffy cheeks....

I don't know why my heart is aching.... My hands are wipes his tears unconsciously... And i hug him without my sense...


I don't know how many hours I hugged him and stood like this... I came to my senses... I slowly broke the hug... without hurting his feelings....

We both felt awkward...then He reminded me "Barcode, it's getting late now.. We have a meeting tomorrow... So..."

"Hmmm.... This way...."  Immediately I showed him the way to my house. That's the one way broke the awkward situation.

We walked in silence...I suddenly remembered and asked " P'Jeff I haven't had dinner yet...if you don't mind we can have dinner at the shop on the way to my house..?... " I knew he would definitely refuse. ...

I'm surprised next second.. he said "Why not...I'm also hungry... "

After arriving at the shop "What do you want P'Jeff?" I asked him... but he didn't answer me... "P'Jeff..." I called him and snapped in front of his face.

"Huh.... " He looks at me... "P' Stop day dreaming.. and tell Me what do you want for dinner..?

"Not day dreaming... It's night dreaming" he said and laughed at me..

I didn't get ... What he say... after 30 second ..I got what he meant and i said  "Oh..."

I don't know what he felt , he said "Ahwww "and hit me slowly with the chopstick....

"P'Jeff.... Enough.... You didn't answer" i asked him .... He said " rice noodles"

I ordered "2 rice noodles  and some side dishes".

When our food came...I noticed that he changed every meat on a plate....he only ate noodles. So again I ordered a veg noodle.

I replaced the bowl... He look at me... I said " Just eat ..."

"Shia.... I don't like veg noodles..." he cursed. He just put it aside and looked at me. I asked him "why..don't you eat veg noodles?" I asked.. he said "It has more ginger and garlic than meat noodles... so I hate it..."

"I know that's why I order without ginger and garlic " i said him...

"I know that's why I order without ginger and garlic " i said him

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Soulmate (Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now