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"Mile.... How many things you hide from us...? Tell us.." i asked him...

"Phi... He didn't hide anything...you guys the one who didn't noticed..."Barcode said..."What ...? Did you know that...?" Jeffy asked his boyfriend... Barcode nod his head...

"How...?" I asked him..."P'Bible just look around and see What happened... You always noticed your boyfriend..."He mocked me...Jeffy and Mile,Tong chuckled.."P'Jeff and P'Tong you also...." When he said.. this time i chuckled.."Nong...Tell us...How did you know...?" I asked him..

"When we are in Temple of Mythological world... P'Mile was the one helped us from snake right...?" He said...Tong interuptted "Don't tell me...Mile is the one who Ordered them..." Barcode and Mile nod their head...."Shia.... How can be..? I thought snakes are following the big snake..." Tong said... Everyone was thought like this..

"No... That's not true...it's P'Mile's power..." Barcode said ...Mile look at us proudly...

I asked him..."Did you know anything about us..? " He nodded his head..."Then tell us.."

"P'Bible You're the best defender and attacker also... Everyone thinks you're best attacker but no one knows you're best defender...I saw that when you handle the blood roots... And P'Mile had the capacity of talk with other creatures...Ta can control of speed andgood at sword....P'Nodt can bear weights...P'Apo and P'Biu... They're too calm until someone provokes their anger... If they did it no one even their soulmate can't control them... They only control their themselves...Last P'Tong you're good with Dagger and manipulator..." Everyone shocked... Because some of them was new to us... Especially Ta and Tong, Nodt... They also shocked... That means they kept this from others or this is also new to them...

"What about Jeffy...?" I asked him.. He smirked and said "I'm not going to tell this..."


When Bibs asked i said myself baby please don't tell them anything...if you dipd you'll be punished.... Suddenly he turned and look at and smirked.... Shit... I forget he can read my mind..."I'm not going to tell this..." He smirked at me...

"Hey... This is not fair..." P'Tong shouted at me..."But if i said daddy will punish me.. What can I do...." He said with soft eyes... Everyone looks turns to me...

"Code... " I called him..." End this conversation... Right now....we have to find the secret basement..." He said firmly...

"Okay.....Jeff... You said you know the fountain right...? Where is the fountain...?" P'Mile asked me...

"P'Mile... It's Ta's castle...." I stated ..."Then good....P'Jeff call everyone... I mean our family members even P'Lilith and P'Hella.... because we want to this secretly... P'Bible tell them P'Bas and P'Job keep it confidential and Anyone ask us said them pretend we're busy with our lovers... This is the only way no one dare to disturb us..." When Barcode said ....Bibs,P'Mile and P'Tong agreed his statement with smile....

"You know very well about us..." I told him... He smiled "Because it's my family...."


They're went to Ta's castle.... Everyone gathered in water fountain...."Where is the red Lilly flower...?" Mile asked them... Biu passed the flower... Barcode pick to the cover but Hella tapped his hand and she picked the flower and gave it to Mile...

Jeff whispered to his ear "Baby... If you touch that flower.. the colour changed... You know that right.... Don't be sad na...". Barcode turn his head and smiled at him...Mile took the flower, put the flower in fountain. But nothing is happened... They look at each other...

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