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Boun leads everyone to the Vampire's main castle... He kept looking around time to time checking are they noticed by anyone... Already Jeff and Bible ordered be careful to come castle without noticed by others including my brother... When you reach castle I'll take care...So Boun carefully did his duty... Prem,Ohm,Fluke also helped their own way..Prem helped Tutor for carrying Yim.. Fluke helped them to  carrying tools with others...Ohm protect them from the back side... They're almost reach the castle... Suddenly the red and black colour fogs are appears out of nowhere... No one can see the surroundings...Yim and Prem hugged each other in panic.. Ohm said "Don't be scare, nothing is happened please stick with each other... especially Earth and Fluke.. don't scream" Boun chuckled and said "We all are know who is scared of dark.. for me only four members scared..." "Don't tease us Hia" Prem said suddenly..."Ohh... Prem who said it's you... i didn't mention anyone... " Boun teased him more.... Prem sulked.. All are laughed because of their cute bickering... Tutor looked carefully...and patted Boun's shoulder....

"P'Boun, we have to go the castle as soon as Possible....hurry up..." Tutor said to him..."What do you mean...? Tutor... Look around...Do you think is that possible...?" Boun asked him with his deep voice..."Phi... The situation is not good,I know how to do deal with the situation, so please belive me phi" he plead him with his eyes...

"Tutor...Even we want to go there... We can't... Because we can't see anything here...it's too dark...I don't have any power..how can we go..." Bounnie asked him... Tutor suddenly took one plant from his bag and gave to Boun..."P'Boun...This is Haworthia... You'll Pick the each buds and give to them, It'll give lights... And we need to hurry..."

Boun gave the plant to Ohm

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Boun gave the plant to Ohm... He told everything what Tutor told...Tutor took another plant and he held in his palm...it gives the bright light...

it gives the bright light

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"Yim... I'll go first... You'll come with Prem and others..." He tells Yim and left with Boun...

When they reached the castle... He saw someone in blue fire...But Boun lead him another way... He turns to see the person time to time until the shadow disappeared... Boun lead him to enter the castle...when they entered they heard someone screaming....

Boun and Tutor look at each other and ran to the way when the sounds come...They reached the place... It's totally covered by Red and Black shadow like outside... Tutor look at Apo who cries loudly in Mile's arms...

"P'Mile...please help Barcode... Look there your baby brother also there...please help them P'Mile" he pointing the fogs and cried...Tutors eyes widen when he heard the name...He took the Little box from his bag and look at Boun..."Tutor... What are you going to do..?" Boun whispered to him..."P'Boun..If i thought the right person....it will helps Prince Jeff and Barcode "

He took the little fruit from the box... It's look a Apple in Orange colour but it's too small...Boun watched him carefully... Tutor took the fruit and crushed in his hands, His hands turned Red colour....He applied the juice in his eyes and look at the fog.. suddenly they didn't heard any scream or whining sound of Barcode.... Tutor look at Jeff and Barcode through the fogs... He suddenly shouts ""BARCODE... STOP... He is your soulmate...."

Barcode listen to him and leave Jeff from his grips and started to cried in Jeff's arms... Everything went smooth... The fogs turns blue..."Finally... Everything is went well" Biu said out of nowhere... He came with Ta and Nodt... Tutor look at them and smirked..."Who said everything wents well..?" Ta look at him  "Who are you..? Why are you here...? Who allowed in this palace..?" Questioned him continuously..

"Ta... I'll tell you everything after... He is one of us.. Me and Jeffy asked him come here..." Bible said Coldly..."No,Phi... Everything turns to Blue... Red is danger... Now it's blue that means everything is normal now right" Ta asked Bible with curiosity...Tutor chuckled and added "Who says Blue is not danger...? Who says red is danger than Blue...?" Jeff looks shocked... Tutor went to Barcode and rubbed his head slowly..."For us...Blue is more danger than Red... Red is danger but Blue is more danger... Blue doesn't mean calm ... Blue means suppressing calm...If it's come out no one escape from it"

Jeff look at Tutor..."Barcode... Barcode " Tutor slightly shaked Barcode...He looks at him suddenly"Phi...Phii...P'Tutor, How did you alive...?" He asked and fainted in shock.... Apo rushed to Barcode..."Tinny,Tinny... " He shooked him more...

"Prince.Apo .. he just faint out of shock... He'll be conscious after forty minutes... So don't get Panic" Tutor stated Politely....

"How did you know him...? How did you know us ...?" Biu started his investigating...Tutor just smiled..."Because he was our clan disciple.. Ofcourse i know everything about you guys the cause was I used to work with Na.. " Mile looks shocked...

Everyone arrives the castle... Bas,Job and Lili is came with them.."Tu... Is everything okay...?" Yim ran to him and checked Tutor..Biu , Apo looks shocked... I didn't say anything about Mile,Tong, Ta .. They didn't move...

Tong came forward, pinching and pulling Yim's Cheeks..."Biu, He looks like you...I think this is your" Tutor cut his words "Yimi...This is your Elder brother BUILD JAKAPAN PUTTHA" suddenly introduced Biu as his brother...Yim and Biu look at each other..

"No...it's not true.. we're just look alike" Yim and Biu both are Sid in unison ..Tutor...Bibs,Jeffy,Tong,Pong smirked "You guys aren't just look alike... You guys are Brothers" they said in same time...again they look at each other and chuckled....

"Ble... What are you saying? Tell me... How comes he is my brother..? And how did he know our tinny...?" Biu asked him...When he said Somehow Yim looks hurt... Biu noticed that he is hurt see his sad face... Still Biu didn't willing to accept the truth..


"Lot of questions baby... I'll tell you one by one.... Nothing is happened here..and He is your younger brother and When you're mom was alive, He already in her belly... But no one knows about that even your dad...Healers clan accidently found your mom and treated her until she gives birth your baby brother... After his birth your mom was died..So healer clan kept him secretly... Only Tutor Knows about this because he is next Healer's clan leader...and i don't know how he knows Tinny..?" I stated and look at Tutor...Biu went to his brother and hugged him slightly, They look each other and lowered their head...i think they don't know how to express this situation....

But Tutor stares at Barcode Who laid on Jeff's shoulder..Boun patted Tutor's shoulder...he turns to me..."Oh... We know Barcode.. after me,Healer clans rised him... We grow up together.." This time Yim stated while looking at his brother..

"Then why did he asked you ‘How did you alive..?’ " i asked him....

"Even i thought he was dead by his own power woke up...probably he thought he killed us.... He doesn't know we're alive... because we were captured by that Psycho Na secretly..." Tutor explained to us....

Everyone looked shocked....I thought Na was good person but the truth is he is not....

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