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He look at me and smiled widely.... I'm really glad to have him as my soulmate....I thought myself...

"Oh... Barcode...How can you be smart this level when you're Jeffy's soulmate...? How...?" Tong pinched his cheeks... Everyone chuckled... First i didn't hear carefully... After that i rewind what he said..."Damn...P'Tong... Did you just called me as fool...?" i asked him unbelievably....

"Oiiiii.. Jeffy...here that's why i said..." Again he mocked me..All are laughed..."Okay..okay
Barcode.... Is anything you want to tell us...? Tell me .... Sometimes you look suspicious when we're in castle... Whenever you want to tell something...you always looked around...why...?" This time Ta asked him.... He is correct I'm also noticed this...

"Oh... P'Ta... I think someone in our castle spying on us behalf of our enemy.... Our enemies know everything about our moves.. That's why our meeting and our war plan also leaked... So i didn't tell anything in our castle..." Barcode said... Biu suddenly flustered..."There is no chance Barcode.... Because everyone in our castle are trustable persons..."

Bible shook his head "Baby.... Don't belive anyone blindly because everyone has another side....Just like us.... We don't know who they are? What they think...? So talk about this later na..." He ruffled biu's hair... Biu also nodded his head...

"Then what's our next plan...?" I asked Barcode... He smiled..."P'Jeff...Right now... We must return to our castle... Don't tell anyone about this... And I'll protect everyone...no one can read our minds... Next thing we're going to make a perfect plan... I'll never leave them... They hurt my family....I'll take revenge behalf of my mom... Same time i need your help also"

"We will" we all are said in unison... We all are about to turned...."What about the rings...?" Hella asked...

"Oh... This is a soulmate's ring...Every clan members lead put the rings in your hand....The another one automatically appeared on their soulmate's hand...and it'll used to control your actions by your's soulmate..."Pong stated.

Bible and Mile look at each other and Chuckled...."I think we didn't need the ring.. because we are already controlled by our Wife..." P'Mile said without shame...

"But Me and Jeffy need this..." Tong sulked...."Oiiii.... P'Tong... Count me in..." Ta also said sadly...."OMG... What happened baby...? I thought we're okay... Isn't it...?" Nodt asked him poorly...."Who said...?" Ta talk back to him..."Oyee... Ta... Don't fight infront me... I'm also getting mood to fight...." Tong said sarcastically.....

Pong, Barcode and Nodt Standing corner of the room..."P'Tong.... I think I don't need that... because my baby is my control and I'm his control..." I look at him and winked...."Okay...okay....stop your lovey dovey...just put the ring..." Pong sighed heavily....

First Pong Put the Ring.... Because he is the King of FALLEN ANGEL... Immediately the another ring appeared in P'Tong's Hand...The next Apo took the ring put in his hand because he is the Prince of PHOENIX....the another ring appeared in P'Mile's hand..Biu took the one ring and put his hand ....He is the Prince of UNICORN ... The another one appeared his soulmate's hand... It's Bibs hand....Pong look at Lilith.... She also looked back to him... "Don't look at me... Go and Put the ring in your hand Girl..." Pong said to her...She shocked her head afraidly..."That's not right my lord...We don't have Prince and I'm not belongs to king's family...I'm just one of the wealthy family heir.... I can't put the ring in my hand...." Lilith said without breathing....

Pong chuckled and said "Lilith... I didn't tell it's belongs king's family..." She shooked her hand as No..."no... You didn't tell this my lord but the Root said it's belongs to Vampire future king"

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