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He sleep like a kitty in my lap....i ruffled his hair.......i want to tell him everything about me... But i don't' dare ....so i confessed while he is sleeping..."Barcode...did you believe this or not... If you know my truth...you will run away from me in fear....I don't want to lose you...but I say this for sure...only if I die will you be able to leave me..." I gently kissed his forehead.

When my lips placed his forehead.. He struggled to find a comfortable position to sleep in....I think he finally got it. Half asleep he slowly climbed on top of me...nuzzled his head into my neck. Uff... His breath... I think he really did a bad move...i don't wanna rush things the same time i can't control myself like this...my whole world slept in my chest.....how did i hold back...Jeff.. you're a idiot man...why don't you accept him when he proposed....now you are the one suffered ... You deserve it ...Jeff Satur ... I cursed myself in my mind...

If I had accepted him then ..now he is my lover. .. I scolded myself again....

If cursing myself is good... because it's helps distract my mind while cursing....

He breath totally turn on me.... I don't endure this anymore... He is sleep ....one kiss didn't woke him...I slowly pulled him from my neck to my arms ... still he sleep like baby in my arms....

I look at his plums lips gives me more courage to kiss him... I slowly move my face to his lips...even in sleep he looks angel. I kissed his lips gently... I slowly sucked his lower lips... I'm totally addicted his lips taste... He kissed me back in his sleep..i kissed back with little force. He slowly opened his mouth,I took this opportunity to put my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues move in sync with the rhythm of our breathing. He moaned in his sleep. If i continue like this... definitely i hurt him ... So i pulled my self...i slowly put him in sofa...He pulled me into his hug.. slowly i pat his shoulder... and he slept. I ran to my room.

That's not easy... Finally sun raised... i don't know what to do... that's not simple after our kiss... idk how to stand infront of him.....i controled myself..... I went to kitchen for make breakfast....


When i woke up and shocked with my wildest dream....Shiaaa... This is the first time i dream like that...i touched my lips , it's feels so real....uh... my face turned reddish just reminds that dream..

Ahh....How will I see him..... I could never forget this dream..How will i face him....if i saw him definitely I'll remember my dream... Huhhhhh.... I pulled my hair with frustration.

Someone called me for breakfast... I shouted... I'll be there in few minutes.... I cleaned myself... And went downstairs... I'm totally forgot everything yesterday happened... My only thoughts about my dream... I asked myself is this dream...? Or real...?

"That's not dream... don't confuse yourself..." I heard the voice infront of me... I look at her...how did she discern my thoughts...

She about to talk P'Jeff cutted her words..."Lilith, Don't scare him... Don't talk anything nonsense.....Got it...? otherwise you'll see me... What about the deal..."

She lowered his heard and said her deep voice "Okay... I'll obey..."

I looked at her concern ..." P'Jeff... don't intimidate her... she's a girl.. see how she's terrified of you ...." I told him.

P'Ta chocked his coffee..and poured in his dress...He said "You said she was terrified of us right...i think you must change the sentence...others should be terrified of her... Okay..."

She looks at me with sad... "Hey... Don't tease her...look she is sad... Don't worry P'Lili ....I'm on your side..."

She smiled at me...she stuck out her tongue infront of Ta....P'Jeff smiled at us... He asked "Now, your fear is gone ... right....then you'll learn to her..."

I face palm myself.... I smiled awkwardly ... "P'Jeff....we have only two days.. I'm not confident" i lowered my head.

P'Lili said confidently "You have 48 hours...i think you'll make it ... So let's practice today..."

We went studio after our breakfast.


We went studio early ...Pong got here before us. ..... Pong is naughty guy but when it's comes to work he is very determined... That's why he already here... He smiled at us.

"Hey....Pong.. Where is my Phi..? " I asked him.. He said " He went to the shop to buy our breakfast ".

"Okay....then..Let's practice.... Don't forget.... This is my last concert ...so i want to be perfect...." When i informed them .. Barcode and Pong looking shock...

"What...? That means you'll be back to our" Lilith stop her words because of Jeff's death stare.

"Barcode.... " I called him but he didn't turn and left the place...

So i followed him... "Barcode" i tapped his shoulder...

He wipe his tears .....and faced me. "Baby boy... Why are you cry..." I cupped his face.

"P' , i want to ask you something... You also promised you didn't say no..." He looked at me.... I don't know what to do...

Jeff.... you're doomed. If he want to stay in the band..how can you protect your clan ....i asked myself...

"Okay...just ask..." I sighed....

"P'Jeff...I don't want to bother you....but all I want is don't leave music in your life...it's okay if you leave this group...I'm not stopping you...i know you have reasons.. but please don't leave music...okay ..." he pleaded..

I hug him suddenly.... " Oh...Baby...I'm not leaving music...just leaving this group....that too due to some personal issues...don't think I'm leaving you...you're the most important thing in my life"

I heard his whispering "If you do this....how can I stop loving you idiot..."

"Who told you to stop...?" I said.

He looked at me in shock....i ruffled his hair .... His shocking face made me laughed...

"Then....you said...? You...you also...." He stuttered with happiness...

But his happiness destroyed by my cousin.

"Hey... Barcode... what are you doing here..? Why did you took so long...come to practice with me..." Ta dragged him.... He looks at me sadly with his puppy eyes.... I can't control my laugh....i giggled..

"Ai'Ta... You did the great job man... because I have to tell him everything before he proposes me..." mentally thanked him.


"Barcode....why are you late...? Don't be afraid...I'll teach you only... I don't bite you ...okay..? " I assured him..

"Phi, I'm sorry... that time I'm really afraid...but right now...You're my favourite person..." He smiled.

"Okay... Thanks Nong. Now we'll practice together... You actually have a solo song to sing... are you preparing anything...? Or is the management assigned anything."i asked him ..

"No...Phi..they didn't assigned... Actually that's my choice...the song ....." He hesitated and looked around.

Suddenly he whispered in my ears.... I smiled at him .....He continued his practice... He catch up everything quickly...he didn't forget to look at his boyfriend while his practice... I looked around... Me and Prince Ta only here without our partners...

I look at Barcode "Barcode i want to say something... prepare for everything.. don't run away from fate...just face it... Be brave... Don't forget that your decision also decides other people's lives... " when I said, he looked confused.

"Phi...is it obvious..? How did you know I'm facing some kind of problem...? Whatever... I'll try to my best and i remembered your words Phi...." He smiled widely...

Now ,I'm confused... Did he know everything about Prince Jeff...?Did he accepted him ..? Ahhh... When It's came Barcode...i felt useless..my technics didn't use ...

This boy...first he afraid of me, now he confused me...What the hell..i murmured myself...


Please give some suggestion...? Because i want to write jealous part ... Which pair i used..?

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