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"P'Pong... How can we find that person..? Did you have any idea...?"

"Barcode... You're witch..Not me...I'm just a guardian of yours...So definitely you have the way...So think about it carefully..." P'Pong suggested me..

"I know Phi... But you know very well... No one teach me about my power...I know little bit but not fully" i told the truth and he know that very well because he said he was the one guarding me since my childhood.

"Then I'll help you  but if it's not going to good you'll lose your life..."P'Pong warned me... but for me....this is too important.....so i accept that he hold my hand and close his eyes... He chanting repeatedly some words...

After ten minutes i felt something strangely... Minutes passed the strange feeling getting strong time to time...it's hurts and also it's bearable...

"P'Tong" P'Pong shouted his boyfriend's name.... He just commented "Get the goat's blood for him and call Hella quickly"


Hella and Tong also there... Tong gave the Goat blood to Pong... Pong took the blood and he splashed the blood infront of Barcode...Pong ,Tong,Hella are wonders by that scene... Because the blood didn't reach the ground... The blood formed like a board in the air...

Pong called Hella and said "Hella, Listen carefully your job is keep him as stable as possible... If you felt he is unstable....stab him with this sword" Hella looks at him terrible...

"I can't do that" she immediately said.... "But it's your job...Don't forget that" He gave her a sword..."This sword is not going to kill him... It's just hurt him... That hurt make him stable... And his mom told me when he ask me about his power she told me the method to wake his power... Don't worry he know healing so he will handle that..." Pong explained her everything....

"Barcode... Look at me....When you're not stable,Hella will stab you with that knife.. and you know how to heal yourself... This is the hard process... If Jeff is here he will help you... Can I call him..?" Pong asked him.

"No...Don't do this... I'll manage... If i can't call Hia.." Barcode said to him... Because he know if he can't find the Biu's brother... It will be a big problem...The only solution to stop this problem... Him... He turned himself to his enemy... Otherwise they will kill Biu... Biu or Him....Jeff can't choose between these two... Bible also can't choose.. so they definitely turned shield for their soulmates... He know that very well... So he choose to find Biu's brother... If he find him no one lose themselves or their soulmates...

He try to find him to using his power... Still he doesn't have his full power... So he choose this way... Barcode's know that very well it's not good way... If it not going to good he will lose his life.... But he believes himself more than everything...

Tong came with Goat's blood... "Phi... pour the blood around him leaving a gap of three meters" Pong ordered to Tong.

"Barcode... Listen you're already mated with Vampire... So this blood smell make you thirsty... Be control and concentrate to wake up your powers... If you can't tell me immediately " Pong adviced him..

"Hella...If he get his full power, Everything is changed to red...Means trees,flowers,clouds and moon also...with in ten minutes again everything changed to white... Because he is PHOENIX-WITCH... So you must cover everything and stay in red... No one found the sky in white... If our enemy notice that it's going to be bad... Use your power and make everything as red... So they thought someone turn to vampire" Hella nodded what Pong said...

"Okay... Barcode be ready...." Pong hold his hand and he started to broke his own spell... Pong already make the sheild around Barcode since his childhood... So this sheild makes him not turn to witch...

When he start the spell... Barcode powers are starting to wake up... The same his pain also increased... His veins are appears above the skin... Whomever sees him they will say he is in pain... Barcode closed his eyes firmly and he tights his hold...Pong look at him and signaled Tong "Bring Apo here..."


"Bi...Biu...?" Bibs stuttered....

"Bibs... What are you talking about..?" I looked around..."Bi..Biu... He look like Biu" When he said that suddenly i remembered Barcode..."Where..?" I asked him suddenly...

He pointed out the bed...Bibs was correct...The boy who laid on the bed he looks Biu,Looks he terribly hurt or hunted by someone... His face was  full of scratches, his hand and legs are swelled...I think he still unconscious... One boy hold his hand and intertwined, his head was rested beside his head... Look like they're soulmates...

I went to him..The boy suddenly held his dagger and point to us..."Don't dare to touch him...He is not prey.."He yelled to us and He look at Boun... His eyes are burning in anger "You ask me to trust you ... So i did... Now you betrayed me" He groaned in anger...

"No... I never betrayed you.." Boun said calmly..."Then why are you bring Vampire's..? Huh..." He protective the boy behind him... Still one hand hold that boy...

Boun look at us and he said "Yes... They're Vampires... He is Prince.Jeff and He is Prince.Bible..." He introduced us to him..The boy suddenly bowed infront of us "Prince.Jeff and Prince.Bible...Thank you for saving us..." It makes me chuckle...It means he doesn't know us but he know our names...He look at Bible, My cousin still in confusion...

"Actually we don't save you.. he is the one save you" I pointed at Boun and Ohm.. "Bibs.. why are you silent..?" I asked him..."Why his face seems like my Biu..?" He asked out of nowhere... I'm about to speak..."because he is his one and only brother" the boy said immediately...

"What...? His brother...? No way.... He didn't tell me... My Biu never hide anything from me" i think Bibs felt offended..."How can he told you...He didn't even know about this" This news is new for me...

"What..? How come..?" I asked him suddenly..Boun and Ohm also look at us with confusion...

"No one knows Unicorn's another heir is still alive... Unicorn's first queen was attacked by second queen's brother.... Everyone thought her horn was broken so she dead... But her baby's strength make her alive but she was unconscious in two months... When he was born, his mom was died...No one knows about this even his father... This is biggest secret of Unicorn's queen and she asked us to raise him... Probably no one knows him even in our healer's clan...Only my family know about him because he was raised by my father....When our healer clan was hunted, Their leader thought he was healer's heir ... So he didn't kill him after some days he knows that he wasn't healer... somehow he knows I'm alive... He knows I'm his soulmate, So he used him as bait and started to control me...We try to escape many times but it doesn't work, Finally we made it but we caught by him. He attack us and he try to burnt us with his power, we escaped from his attack but my soulmate get hurt and went unconscious... I have no choice so i threatened them to help us..." He told us his story...

"Then now tell us your name" Boun asked him... Bible look at him "What...?" Boun gasped and told "he didn't trust anyone, he didn't tell his name yet" I chuckled... He is smart...

"My name is Tutor Koraphat and his name is "

"YIM PHARINYAKORN PUTHTHA" I told them... Everyone is shocked...Bibs and Tutor is more shocked...

"How can you know..?" Bibs asked me...I told him about the chronicles book... "Bibs,I thought it's not true.." Suddenly i heard fluke voice...."P'Ohm...come one ..look at outside... It's totally turn red" He said excitedly...We all are went out side and look at the atmosphere...

Bibs stated "Someone turn to Vampire or someone gave birth to Vampire clan" ... I shooked my head ..."Bibs... it's not the colour... Something is wrong man" because the colour was different little..."Bibs... I think we go to our castle... Something is not okay..." I said to him..."Boun, Ohm...comr to the castle with everyone... Don't delay... First we will go .. okay" I command him....

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