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"San....You said Biu is Na's side right? Since when?" I want to know how long he hide this... I asked him... I didn't hate him... I didn't get angry... All my mind was how much he suffered? Am I look like idiot? Right?

When he said that day I'm totally off... because that time was We are officially lovers like two months before that date....I think I said loudly without thinking about the surrounding...

Everyone started to murmured but in my mind thinks that how long he suffered himself... I can't think anything straightly....He loves me and it turns my clan was killed their family... even though that's not true but that's his point of view...he doesn't know about that.... My tears rolled down on my cheeks...

Suddenly Barcode came to me and said loudly..."Phi... I think Na deceived P'Biu... Don't get mad... I know my hia also there... but getting angry is not going to work... We will go together and tells truth to P'Biu... after that he'll decides... I hope he will turns our side"

"What if he didn't... What are you gonna do Code?" I asked him with fear... Maybe he doesn't know about my baby... No, no one knows about him, us... how are we close that much...? Which makes us this close? We are ready to scarifies ourselves for eachother...

"Just your way phi..." He said and left the room...


"Tinny... is that anything you hides from me..?" I asked him..

He smirked and said "Seems like I didn't hide anything from you phi"

"Don't tell me... You know something right...." I asked him with shock..

"What do you think? Whatever you think that's hundred percent correct... Yes I know everything... Do you literally think I'm just playing around not knowing what happened in surrounding right?" Huh!!" He just smirked at me...

He is really smart kitten... Nah... Nah... Jeffy just focus on the matter not your mate...."Then what did you find?" I asked him...

"Give me your neckpiece and the ring... I'll give you back..." He said, there is no doubt I gave it to him...

"Phi... Go and ready to hunt the hunters ...." When he said those words he is really hot..
You can ask me in this critical situation how can you be think like this..I shouldn't think like this... Right? Author..

Author : Atleast you should know about this..😐🙄

Jeff : Huff🤭 What can I do..? You don't know about this feelings because you don't have mate...? So don't be jealous.....

Author: 😱😔😟


"Build... We are going to change the location....You are also come with and those bitches are kept somewhere to held those vampire mosquitoes" He said and laughed like maniac

Ewwww he is disgusting and his laugh.... Even the old ugly witch laugh is bearable but this asshole laugh... Eww I can't hear this....

"Huh... Na... You totally forgot who they are... If you held them somewhere they will definitely find them but if you kept them beside you, maybe you'll get a chance to kneel them infront of you.... Beleive me they're fighters better than you but they're fools when it comes love and their brothers bond....no need to say..." I looked at him what he about to say...

He look at me and suddenly he started to choking me..."You really have guts build... You came to my place and you praising that your so called lover and his family.... Moreover you're insulting me" He chocked me tightly... My eyes getting darked after few minutes finally he released me..

"Na... What the fuck are you thinking? I know everything about them more than you... You said yourself they're are too intelligents... Yes you're right but did you notice one thing between these years did they found about me or about you.... Nothing right... I didn't Insult you... I just give a wise advice... If you do it or not that's your choice man..." I told him and about to move...

"You're correct Build... they're emotional idiots" He again laughed ugly more than old witch...

That Asshole doesn't have brain and he easily getting manipulated just praising him....What a Jerk.... whatever finally everything is happening according to my plan...Whoever hurts my family they'll see hell.... I'll make them to saw... Wait for me guys how I'm going to play....


Apo and Yim look at each other... "Yim are you okay?" Apo asked him... He nodded his head slowly still lowered his head...

Yim :  "Phi..."

Apo : hmm.... *He turned and look at him*

Yim : phi...did my hia hated me this much...? *His eyes are getting blurry*

Apo look at him and told him with his soft voice..."He is not in his mind... Beleive me he loves you more than Bibs... Because you're his kin..."

Apo heard a chuckle... Apo and Yim are turned and look at the way... Build stand there and hiding chuckles with his hands.

"Po, What if I say I'm the best actor?" Build winked at Po and chuckled... Apo is totally shocked by his behaviour,he can't believe his eyes what he saw nd what he heard...

Build shooks head playfully nd left...

Cheating or deceiving someone is not CRIME... But cheated by someone is COWARD... Someone said in the crowd... Apo heard it clearly... He chuckled about the situation and smiled and thinking about what his younger brother told him...

Barcode called his brother and brother-in-law, "Tinnieee... Why did you called us in this time? You know this time is not good we have to stay beside our soulmate's side... You know already Lilith told about that right...?" Tong said to him..

Apo looked at his brother blankly... Barcode looks like he has something on his mind..."Hia... Don't forget that Our family members is our family.... No matter what happened and always connect link with your soulmate... And don't believe everything infront of your eyes... Many things are hidden you couldn't able to see that" He turned and said "P'Tong...Don't remove your chain and ring and don't let anyone snatch that from you... Especially your chain.... You're the elder Prince of Vampire clan... If you failed to protect your bond with your soulmate... Everything will be crash down automatically... " And He left...

Seriously I didn't understand what the fuck Is really going on with him... But one thing is sure... Something big is going to happened but this time from our side.... I sighed heavily and left with weight heart...

On the other side... Everyone get ready to hunt the hunters but Bible and Barcode didn't come... Jeff about to call them... Bible and Barcode came... Bible looked perfectly fine... His eyes are filled with range.... His look only shows that how much he want to see the blood bath... Jeff look at him with suspiciously still he believes his mate...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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