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In HUNTER'S Castle

"Did he came? What about San? Why didn't we get any information?" Na asked his member...."Master....Last time San told us if he didn't come that means they're watching him.. So he told us to stick with our plan, What can we do master?" His member asked him back.

"Stick with our plan.. No...Our plan is half of our people attack them and you guys went to kidnap their soulmates... I want to see fear in their face..." When he said,His members are shocked and Whispered "Killing them is easy but kidnapping their soulmates is more risk than kill them, Did our master lost his brain or something..? I'm worried"

"What are you whispering..? Just do what I say or you'll die..." Their master  groaned...."Get ready..!!" He shouted and left with his right hand...


Prem arranged the party.... It's look royal and Elegant... One by one their persons are started to come....

Earth and Fluke inviting those peoples

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Earth and Fluke inviting those peoples. And other servants are check those people's details and take their place which is arranged for them.

Finally All people are came to the Main castle's party... Prem check those people's details and confirm everyone is came... The next second he closed the door... This is new to them... Whenever they arrange the party, they didn't check them like today... However Now Prem closed the door... This makes some people anger... One of the person grab Prem's hand and pulled him in his side and shouted "Look like you don't have any powers... You indeed rat how dare to close the door? Who are you?"

Prem stays patience and he slowly removed himself from his grip "This is not my doing.. This is order from my master... I didn't do anything against My master's word... If you want to ask then wait for my master and ask him.." Prem replied patiently....

"Who the hell is your master? Who ordered you to close the door?" The person shouted ..

"Did you forget your own master?" The voice came from upstairs... Everyone stares at the upstairs where is came the voice...

The unknown person looks dazzling in black dress..Jeff's hand wraps around the person's hip... After them Mile and Apo, Bible and Build, Pong and Tong, Most and Ta and their most beloved bodyguards Job and Bas also came one by one....

They all are wore black clothes... Everyone was amused by their appearance... Some of them suddenly understands whose the new people's and they started to bow...Some of them stunned by their handsome face...

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