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"Phi... " He suddenly wipes his tears and smiled widely...

"Are you okay...?" I asked him... He nods.."P'Biu... Whatever your choice is I'm your side... You got your little brother... So do what you want..I know something is bothering you... I noticed it when i came here... But i get, you have reason so go with it phi but don't get hurt yourself" I hug him lightly... I can feel that his breath getting hard... He doesn't know that i can read everyone's mind when i touch them... This is the power of Witch... I can felt how he is holding himself between the feeling of love and betrayal... I hope he finds better way.. whatever he does i can't leave him or hate him. He is my family now...

"P'Biu can we start the plan?" I asked him... He also be ready to make a plan to this biggest fight...We went to P'Tong's room...This is our secret plan only me,P'Biu,P'Pong and Tong.

"Ahh...Codie, you came... I want to tell you that First we need to know What are they planning? I mean Jeff and Bible, Mile... If we know that we will create the plan B... If we doesn't know how can we help with our plan... It makes difficult to them... So first listen to their plan after that we will create our new plan..Okay?" P'Tong asked me..

He is freaking correct... If we doesn't know about P'Jeff's plan, how can I know our plan is going to help them... Ahhh... I felt embarassing...

"Ahww.. Codie, No need to embarrass.. come go to see those idiots" P'Tong held my hand and dragged me to the hall...I dragged P'Biu and P'Pong..

"Barcode... Still you are childish...Uffff" P'Tutor sighed annoyingly..."But I love his childish" P'Jeff suddenly blurred out... Me and P'Bible chuckled because of his sudden confession... Ahh.. this man really jealous type... He knows he is my soulmate and P'Tutor also have soulmate then why he makes his face like ate Ginger...


"Okay... Now I'm going to explain what is our plan ?... Listen carefully if you have a doubt tell me" I told them... Everyone is here... Barcode ,P'Tong and Pong, P'Mile and Po , Bible and Build, Nodt and Ta, Hella and Lili, Ohm and Fluke, Boun and Prem, Santa and Earth, Tutor and Yim.

"Totally we have six castles right.... I'll point every castle by number...The first one is entrance...That's Hella and Lili's castle, The second one is main castle, now we are in main castle, the third one is used to be Tong's castle but now it's museum, the fourth one is Arsenal it's used to be Bible's practice room , The fifth one is treasure which is used to be our mom's castle in my childhood and the last one is Ta's castle and it's the way of secret chamber...Are you guys listening to me right?" I asked them for confirmation because they're too silent when i told, No one is questioned me..

Are you guys listening to me right?" I asked them for confirmation because they're too silent when i told, No one is questioned me

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"Jeffy.... Wait wait!! Just now you told us we have treasure right? Do you mean the  “Treasure” the place which is used to stored up the gold and diamond.. right?" My elder brother asked me suddenly...

"Yeah..it's correct.... Why you didn't know..? Whatever leave that aside and listen to me.." I told him... He crossed his arms on his chest and turn around... I know he'll listen what i said.... So i didn't said anything to him..

"I'll tells everyone what are you guys going to do... If you're not okay with it tell me immediately... Okay... First of all Boun and Ohm when the party starts you and your members must lead our people to the secret chamber... And their safety is your's job.. After the meeting Bible will tell you where is the chamber and don't let anyone reach the chamber if anyone do just kill them..." I explained to ohm and Boun what they had to do...

I look at Ta "Second Nodt and Ta; your job is protect the treasury and P'Tong , Pong your Job is protect the entrance, Hella and Lili job is protect the Museum; Me,Bible and P'Mile will take care of Arsenal ,Apo,Biu and Barcode your Job is Kill whoever Betray us and keep the party...and Na should think that we three are here and it's up to you guys" Everyone nodded their head.

Yim and Tutor also there.. i look at them and said "You two... Roam in the garden especially when you heard about fight.... You must be there.. if anyone of us get hurt, You will heal us ... I think the main castle doesn't want you because Barcode is there... So you two came to arsenal and help us" i almost asked help for us..Yim smile widely...

"Huh.... Earth, Prem and Fluke help them to arrange the party, You guys got a better sense than me so please" I told them... The three giggled around and said Okay...

"Santa, You know your peoples right... I hope you guys have a special methods to meet right? Call them and tell them that come to tour castle ..." I told everyone what they do...

Everyone left the room after i told everything...but my baby still stand there...his looks bothers me...i went near him and i put my arms around his shoulder "Baby... Tell me; What is bothering you..?"

He looks at eyes "Phi... If something unusual happens, Try listening to me or try reading to my mind, Don't do anything stupid... I hope everything you think gonna happen" He told me but he is sugar coating something....look like he implied something...

I nods my head, within a second Bible called me..."Jeffy, Stop clinging and come here... We have a work... Barcode can you please leave him for me" Barcode suddenly leaves from my grip...

"Phi... You have to go otherwise your cousin will drag you from me... Go go go "He shooe me like a bet... What a lover..! What a cousin..!

"I hear you Vampire Prince" He shouted and left the place..."What do you want Bibs? I'm not your lover... I'm your cousin.... Why do you always need me not Biu?" I asked him..

"Then I'll call Biu or I'll go with him do work... You And Mile take care of everything, i think you don't need me" He is sulk with me..."Hey!! Don't use this tone... It's gives me goosebumps.... Don't be sulk...come with me" I pulled him with me...


"P'Biu...Go and do what you think... I'm here for you" He said from my behind...I turned and look at Barcode... How did he know? Did he know what I'm planning?

"Phi... Don't worry.. i know you're disturbed by someone.... If you're confident Just do what you think we all are know who you are? So don't be bother phi..." He said casually..

Why everyone loves me... Did they believe me this much? If they know about what I'm going do still they believe me and support me ..... I'm going to disappoint them not fully but somehow they're going to disappoint... Barcode believes me without knowing anything... Did Bibs believe me like Barcode..? Did he understand my point of view..? If he didn't understand what I'm gonna do..? Did i drop my plan and stuck with Jeff or Did i proceed my plan...? I thinking myself and left the palace slowly....

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