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"Don't try to fool us after this...Tell us everything you know Phi" This kiddo again started...

"Ughhhh... BARCODE...First I know your brother since his 12 th birthday... At the same time i met Na... From the started were clicked easily and accidently we knew that he was also studied the same school with us... One day he didn't came so i went to meet him At that time I saw your brother cried... Na tried to help your brother...but his parents didn't let him.." Apo came and sat next to me.

"So you know me before....No wonder you knew me about everything " he whined..

I smiled at Apo and stated "First I thought his parents only like this not him but Na activities changed automatically step by step... One day i found out he was planning to kill your brother somehow i found his plan and i told my father asked his help... He also immediately sent his man to phoenix clan... The next day he was totally upset...At the time i thought I'll change him... Everytime i spoke to him i mentioned indirectly he doing wrong things, one day we argued about soulmate things and heirs of clan...But till he didn't changed...He came to our clan it was routine... One time i caught him he try to kill our people.. after that i didn't talk to him... Also he said he love Bibs and Bibs also love him... i didn't believe him... Because i know my cousin very well....he believes soulmate thing and he longing for his soulmate since he know we have soulmate"

Bibs went to Biu and hold his hands... P'Tong saw that and sighed heavily.... "Bible and Mile .... We talk about issue... Don't be romantic...My eyes getting sore"

We only laughed..."After i know that He also loves Na.." when i stated... Bibs look at me strangely and said "I thought you love him that's why you went his clan time to time but seems like you know Apo from the beginning...you went his clan for Apo... But I didn't love him.. Na said He deeply love with you ...He also proposed you but you reject him so i accompanied him because he got rejected by his close friend.. Look like he lied to me"

"OMG... He said to me he was your soulmate that's why i didn't kill him but i try to stop you" Right now everything is cleared to me...

"Okay guys... Stop ranting...Come to the Main problem... So P'Mile you killed him because he attack my brother.... But you didn't tell anything to P'Bible cause you thought he loves Na..." Barcode asked me... I only nod..

"Then now it's the real problem.. why did he want to kill P'Biu...? Did he want to took revenge...? Or he wants anything....?" Barcode stated.... Everyone face looks gloomy...


"I think know the reason..." I said suddenly... Everyone look at me..

"Wait... First i said i think... Because i knew something about Na... So listen to me carefully... First point he obsessed with power and he even kill some members for his powers.. second he hate Apo because he is heir of Phoenix clan.. third He wants to Kill Biu because he wants power and took revenge for his jealous.." I added.

"Phi...First two things makes logic but not third one Phi... It's not logic" Jeffy asked me...

"No..P'Jeff..P'Tong is correct... Because the fact is Unicorns are strong than everyone... But he doesn't know me... If he knows about me definitely his Target will changed..for jealous... Perhaps he loves P'Bible" He stated clearly ....This kid never disappoint me..

"It's true Barcode... He loves Bible, the main reason he always accompanied with him..." Suddenly Bible insisted "For sake of friendship... And he know that very well about me... What isn't mine, I never to try to protect them but What is mine  I'll never let anyone their finger land on them... I'll protect them to give myself especially my soulmate... Still he try to touch my baby... Do you think he'll live? I'll make him wants to beg for death.... I'll make him know that How is hell like..?" Bibs snorted... His eyes turns red...Biu immediately hold him without thinking and stroked his chins thoughtfully... Bible closed his eyes and calm himself.

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