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"Lilith....shhh... If Jeff heard this...he'll kill you definitely...." I said to her...

"Don't worry Biu... He is not here... He is with Bible in your room..." Tong told us...

"What do you think Po...? Why are you kept silent...? " I nudged him... He sighed and said " I'm afraid... He'll do something thing bad to Jeff...you know he is like my brother... I don't want to lose him " when he said Tong smiled.... " Don't worry Po.... He didn't hurt him because he loved him since the moment he heard his voice.... I know he isn't human like my baby... But I'll tell this confidently he didn't hurt him.... If he want to kill him he didn't accept him as his soulmate.."

We all agreed his words..."Guys... Go and take some rest... We'll leave in this evening...." Tong ordered us...and left..

When I went to the room.... Jeff and Bible talking seriously... I don't know what they're talking... I went to my bed and lay down... But i couldn't get sleep... I want his warm hug.So I went straight to him and sat on his lap... He looked at me shocked, his face are turning red... jeff also get annoyed..I know that..But he is mine... I took his hand and wrapped it around my waist... I laid down with my head on his chest... He look at me smiled and started stroking my hair gently. I smell his scent it make me comfortable and i slept in his chest... After a few minutes they started talking.


I'm totally shocked of Biu's habits....Bible also shocked first but he smiled and take care of him... He nodded his head and return to our topics... We're talking about Ta,Pong, Barcode.... Because Pong and Barcode are new to our world.... Ta is returned our world after the long time... So we want they fell safe and comfortable like here...

We are preparing to open our gate... Only five members know about this... But this time we're going to take new members in our world... This time we closed our gate completely and going to shield them... That's a big process...

When our world is closed, every clan member in the outside world will be attracted by the power... So evening is the perfect time to leave here... Bible and I planned everything perfectly... I really want to end the conversation soon.... I can't stand their lovey dovey....

Finally i finished our conversation....I'm still here... but this idiot didn't even bothered and he took Biu in his arms and left... This brat.... Bible... When Biu is with him... He is totally different kind of person like cute,warm,kind......I also want to take care of my baby... I ran to my room...

Times skip....


They all are ready to leave..Bible Build, Jeffbarcode,Lilith left in one car...PongTong, Mileapo ,Nodt Ta left in another car...

"Phi.Jeff... where are we going...?" Barcode asked Jeff... "Baby... sleep well for the next five hours... I'll wake you up when the place comes" Barcode nodded his head... Jeff stroked his baby's hair smoothly...

"Yaa..yaaa... Jeffy...we're here... Just drive man... I want to live with my baby..." Bible teased him..."But P'Bible you're immortal...."Barcode insisted his sentence...which makes Jeff,Biu laughed....

"I know... but that doesn't mean my body parts won't get damaged..right..." As he said.... Biu knows what he meant .... He gently slapped Bible's shoulder...

In Another car

When they ready to leave..Ta and Tong fight each other because they both are wants to sit in car's window side... finally Nodt and Pong gives the solution...Pong said I had car sick so i want to sit left side car window...". Nodt said "Me also..." he raised his hand. Ta and Nodt left and sulked each other...Apo sighed heavily because of their behaviour.... Mile drove the car...Apo and Tong are happy to return their world...They talked a lot about their world...They described to Pong.. How is their world...Pong also joined with them... Ta slept in Nodt's shoulder..

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