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"Na..! Na...! Where the hell is your boss..?" I asked his servant angrily... Already my plan was busted..If is that his plan or they really escaped from this bastard..

"Wow... You came before two hours ago again you're here... Is Bible boring..?" His leader, that asshole Na mocked me..."I think you better shut your mouth.. Did you know anyone named Tutor and Yim..?" I asked him straightly...

"How did you know about them..? They are not that level worth to you know them... They're just slave to me but now they went ashes " He laughed sarcastically.

"What do you mean..?" I asked him..."oh my dear poor Build, That means they're gone... They're no more in the world" He laughed like a Cartoon Villian.. suddenly his face became firmed.

"How did you know about them..?"He asked me suspiciously... "We got new slaves... One of the slave pray for them and i heard... So i asked you.." still he look at me suspiciously.

"Then, I gotta go, otherwise they'll start to search me" I'm about to leave.."San...Go with him and update me everything and do what i say" He didn't believe me, so he sent one of his member to stalk me... I didn't say anything, just nod my head and the younger one followed me automatically... We crossed his border... The stalker suddenly asked me "Did they are alive...?" He asked me immediately...He come with me to castle, there is no use to hide from him..

"Hmm... They are..." I told, Suddenly he knelt before me..."Thank God, i thought I lost them" What did he say... That means he is not Na's member...Na... You're such a idiot..  Your member is against for you but you didn't find it...

"You're a good actor man" I truly praised him.."But not your level" He said annoyingly... "Are they your friends..?" I asked him out of curiously...

"No, they're with my mate.. i thought my mate also dead... Because our leader send some members to kill them, they said they killed them... So i thought my mate also gone"  I chuckled because of his answer.

"You know what in this world no one can die easily, definitely your mate is not human then why did you think like this...? It's basic sense man " I mocked him voluntarily.

"If you love someone truly, you can't see any logic... I love my mate truly... Even In Unicorn's power destroyed mythological creature.. you know that we'll do" He gave the answer but what he said is true... I felt that from Bible... When Sam about to kill me, he didn't even noticed what i signaled, he said he didn't think properly... Did he love me that level? Am i worth for his love... Or did i choose the wrong path.. wait did he just said Unicorn's power... Does that mean Yim is my brother..? Did he know...?

"I'm the only one live in Unicorn's clan... Your leader also know about this.... Please stop your ranting..." He chuckled and looking at me..."You don't know anything...You're not the only one, the other one also alive... I saw with my own eyes.... The leader doesn't know about this...Don't dare to tell him about this otherwise I'll told everything about you to  your Vampire's family... Ahhhh.... This bitch is annoying..

"I know...I know...Just listen to me when you're in castle" I ordered him and he followed 
me with ten meters different...

In Castle...


Tong and Mile look at Bible and Jeff... "Tell me idiots... How many things you guys hide from us..." Tong shouted to them..

"P'Tong.. don't be mad... I don't have a chance to told you about this... But belive me they're most trustable persons " Jeff said to him... But he didn't listen to him...

"Bible... What about you... He told he didn't have chance to tell us about them... What is your excuse..? Huh?" Mile slightly raised his voice...

"No need to ask him Mile, They're partners in criminal... You can't expect any answer from those idiots... It's waste of time.... Whatever Jeff does this idiot follow him without asking... It's same to Bible... What a idiots..?" Tong sulked because of their Nongs...

Bible grinned widely..."Don't laugh brat" Tong yelled at him again... But this time Jeff also laughed...

"Which clans you are..?" Mile directly asked Ohm and Boun..They strictly look at Jeff and Bible...

"What...? Why  did you look at them while I'm asking you... If you want to answer me...do you want their permission..? Hum...?" Mile slightly raised his voice... "Because they don't know which clan they're belongs to" Bible said suddenly....

Everyone looks at them sadly..."They don't want to live because their family died, some of them ignored by their clan, so i erase their memory even which clans they're belongs to... My first idea is I'll send them to human world but they didn't want to... They just want to be here to help us... So i trained OHM, Jeff trained BOUN... After that they collect members like them and trained them well as like them...They sent spy every clan just for us... No-one suspect them... They're not traitors,they just informed us something bad happened to the clan..." Bible explained everything to them...

Apo turned to them and asked "Bible and Jeff already trained you well, that means you guys are make plan also right...Did you have any plan...?" Ohm nodded his head and look at Fluke..

Fluke ran to the room and pick a huge cloth roll, Earth and Fluke carried them in their hand... Barcode saw that and laughed instantly... Tong shouted at Ohm "Yahhhh...! You guys are look like gentlemen... How can you ask them to bring those huge roll.. look how they struggled... Go and pick from them"

Ohm and Boun sighed..."You guys are always make me embarassing... Always i got yelled by you guys especially fluke" he strokes his nose and Ohm pick the cloth roll by his one hand...

"Did he scold him or flirt with him?" Tong asked Boun..."Still i don't know phi... Did he like him or not...?" Boun sighed and turn his head, screamed suddenly...

"Phii..You startled me...Don't give me a heart attack like this" Boun hold his chest...

"Where is P'Biu...? I didn't see him when we came..." Barcode asked suddenly put of nowhere... Bible suddenly facepalmed and start to search him everywhere.... "Boun... Search him outside.... Barcode you search him in terrace... He is not in my room..." Bible looked panic and ran to outside...

"Ble... I'm here... Why did you search me..?"Biu came with one boy... And he introduced him to them "He is Bible, my mate...and Bibs his name is San .. he said he knows Tutor and Yim... So i brought him here" Bible hugged him immediately...."Biu, why did you went outside... I thought you're captured by someone... Don't leave me alone anymore...humm" Bible cupped his cheeks and asked him... Biu nodded his head slowly...

"And i know him before... Thanks San... You are finally here... I told you guys our people are in every clan... He is Santa... Our man and he is Earth's Soulmate.. he stay with Na" When Ohm said Biu eyes got widen automatically... He didn't spits any word... Tutor noticed Biu , Barcode also noticed Biu's reaction...

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