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In Tong's Room

"Codie... Where is Biu..? He is the one missing in our meeting... " P'Tong searching around to find P'Biu..."Huh... I forget that Phi... Phi went outside to look...Can we start without him..?" I put the papers on the table...

"Look like you're ready for the backup plan...Hmm.. go ahead man" P'Pong came to the table and look at the plan...

"Your job is need to protect our entrance right?" I look at P'Tong... "Yeah... It's ours" he points him and his boyfriend..

"Then, You didn't need to protect the entrance.... Your duty is pick the one of the hunter's member and get to know their plan... " P'Tong cut my words and asked "Then what about entrance..?"

"Me and P'Pong will manage....They doesn't know PHOENIX-WITCH and FALLEN ANGEL is here.... So we use our power to protect the entrance not to harm them... If we didn't make it... We will kill them using our powers" P'Pong agrees with my plan...

"P'Tong.... I already asked 1000 candles right..? Did you arrange it...?" I asked him....

"Yeah... It's here.." he pointed the corner of his room...there is lot of boxes... It's full of large size candles..."Woahhh...phi... you're great..." He literally impressed me ... This is the candles exactly what i want...

"Phi...call someone and told him to melt those candles and I want liquid candles not a solid state... After this, it's our part" it's mine and P'Pong's part...

"Then what about mine Codie?" We startled and turned...It's P'Tu..

"Ufff...P'Tu... I got heart attack..."

"Me too..."

"Me too..." P'Tong and P'Pong also join with me..."Sorry guys for scared you... Now tell me what i do..?" P'Tu asked me...

"Good question phi... Already P'Biu got scratch on his horn... Can you make medicine for him? I already used my healing power to heal it still I'm worried... " I told him what i need...P'Tu look at me intensively and whispered my ears what to i do..


"Tell me Santa...How much you know about him?" Prince Bible asked me.... I'm about to speak he suddenly raised his hands and told me "Drop the honor" I smiled at him...

"Yes... P'Bible... Actually he is good at manipulate people..Even he try to me but P'Boun helped me..." I told them and lowered my head

"Already i know this clearly.... He is such a sly fox" P'Bible said and suddenly he closed his mouth... I looked around what is going on..."Nodt...i didn't offend you... I mean he is really cunning... That what i want to said" he stuttered little..

"Bible... First I'm wolf not a fox... So you didn't offend me.."

"Ugh..Just think they're not here... You tell us how did he control his members" This time P'Jeff asked me..

"Actually he took the best warriors in each clan and erase their memory, he told them Vampires are the reason of their clan's died...He manipulate them every time before the attack...he told them they lost their family and they don't have clan Because of five Princes.. so they attack whoever in your circle..." I told them... They looks very sad...

I continued "Furthermore, He have two men always on his side , they never leave him...I don't know why ... They never speak to us,eat with us...We didn't see their face but i saw one of them have the red sword... And another one have tattoo..."

"Wait... JEFF did you have that...?" Bible asked his cousin... He went after two minutes he came with the paper...

"Is that tattoo..?" P'Jeff show me the paper....

?" P'Jeff show me the paper

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I look at that paper... "Yes... It is, How did you know..?" I asked them..

"One of the Bastard, came to our castle to stealing our plan but he stole our old plan he doesn't know our new plan..."P'Mile said proudly.... How can I ay to them Prince.Build is traitor, He is double face person... However they'll manage it... I don't have dare to told them especially he is Prince.Bible's soulmate...

"Okay... We still stuck with our plan... Me and Bible handle them, thank you for your help" P'Jeff thanked me... I forcibly smiled at them..

In Party hall...


"Okay,Now tell me what design are you going to choose?" Apo asked the twins... Fluke and Earth look at each other... Earth told him "Rose...It's perfect for the party... Definitely everyone loves it..." He said it without hesitation... "No,No...Blue is elegant and perfect for the Party..." Fluke scold him playfully.... They started fight "Rose " "No,blue"

Apo look at Prem, he was stunned because of them... Apo about to speak "Yah... stop it... This is not a Birthday party or Anniversary.... It's Vampire Castle... It's going to Arrange by Princes.... So shut your mouth and move.... I'll take care of everything" Prem slightly raised his voice... These two are immediately stopped their fight and they put the index finger on their mouth like kid... Apo chuckled because of their action.

"Yim... Can you help me ...?" Prem asked Yim..."Tell me...I'll do anything" Yim said enthusiastically... because in the mean time always Prem show his poker face to him...now he asked help ..."Please keep those idiots away from me... If they are fighting Tell me , I'll handle them..."When Prem said Yim face became sad... "Don't fight anymore...if you did I'll tell P'Ohm... You know his punishment well right?" Prem almost threaten them by using Ohm's Name...

"P'Apo... Can we use red and black theme...? We can use the Royal red with stones.... What do you think phi? First I'll Arrange everything after you'll check the arrangement...if you have any suggestion after that I'll change that phi..." Prem suggested what is he going to do...Apo also agree that...

On the other hand....

Biu slowly walks on the way to Hunters castle.... He doesn't know is he doing right or wrong? He totally confused and he didn't even noticed who is following him...One of the moment he sits under the tree and started to cry... He didn't even know why he is crying...One side his soulmate, his love life; the other side his revenge who killed his family and clan... Now he has a little brother; This is totally unexpected and shocking news to him...

He can't betrays his soulmate the same time he can't hide his feelings.... finally he made a decision what he is going to do..... He thinks only one he can't be a traitor and he can't be a coward... He is going to fight this battle but his own method...He turn and went their castle....the vampire Castle for getting ready to the party...For him it's REVENGE PARTY...

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