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We heard a hoarse voice behind us.... It's very deep... It holds grudge...We all are startled... because it's like TejaVu.... I heard the same tone when we attacked... My Mom also threat them like this...I turned my head and looked.... It's BARCODE...

I don't belive what i see.... Jeffy went to him and said...."Calm down Barcode... we'll try to save him... Don't get angry... "

He yanked his hand and shouted..."Didn't you see that he is going to kill my brother...?"

"This is the last warning...Leave him... Otherwise you're not able to live..." He warned and try to hold something... We didn't see anything because it's invisible.... But we saw in shadow...

Barcode held the roots tightly....We heard someone screamed..... Barcode suddenly shouted..."P'Mile.... Can you please control this root when I said...? Can you do it right...? But ...." He signed don't use your full power.... I nod my head....

I think he tried hard... We saw everything in shadows... Suddenly he mouthed to me "Help" ... He signaled to hold the root ...so i held the place where his hand held it before...When i touched the roots...i controlled the roots.... I commanded what Barcode said... Finally The roots leave Apo...

Apo fall in the ground with thud sound.... Barcode went to him..."Hia Po... Are you okay...? Did you hurt anywhere..?"  He asked him while check his body...

I tried to catch her... But i couldn't... Because the roots are invisible... Barcode and Biu took Apo in safe place... Jeff and Bible,Ta helped me...but we couldn't catch her... Hella and Lilith helped us with their power... It's shock... It doesn't work... Hella powers doesn't work on the roots...

P'Tong took his Dagger and hold the roots... He cut the piece of roots... suddenly the piece is visible in his hands... I think he did the big mistake .... Next second the piece of root grown around him and tied him... But that's are visible.... Ta didn't hesitate to took his  sword and cut it with out hurt my brother.....

Jeff and Bible noticed everything... They talking through their eyes... Jeff finally catched the root... Tong about to cut the roots... Pong stopped him... "No... Tong... Don't do that... It's girl..."

Bible get tensed...."Damn man...You look at that right... Pong She try to kill our Apo... It's not Human..."

"Bible... I know...whatever creation it is... We should repect womens... " Pong said firmly... "Ta.... Her roots are grown fastly... Can you control that...? " he turned and  asked Ta..

Ta nod his head , he broke one of her branch....She screamed heavily...."Don't scream... Tell us... who send you...? How did you know this place...? How can you enter this place...?" Nodt questioned her continuously...

"First... Don't be a dumb... Second I'm the guard of secret champer.. Whoever try to open the gate...my job is attacked them... If they captured me and if they're right persons to open the champer....I'll surrender to them... Otherwise my job is blast the champer with them..." She stated...

"Don't blast anything without knowing..." Pong adviced her..."How can i...? Lord... You're the correct person.. You're with them that means they are also good person... " She bowed to Pong...We are shocked by her words...I think she is wrong... She assumed Pong as Barcode....

"Hmm... I think you assumed Wrong person... Barcode is here...." I pointed Barcode...

She laughed sarcastically...."Prince.Mile... Did you know who am i...? Did you know how old am i ...? Did you think I'm wrong...? If you think like that you're the one who wrong..." I didn't understand anything.... Not only me... Everyone was confused...

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