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Barcode called us to investigate Sam... Yes...This is the big problem.... Because no one can touch his dagger.... P'Tong only touch the dagger... Even me and P'Mile can't touch his.... But this traitor... How can he steal...? This is impossible to us...

Our people locked him in our torture room... Barcode also here... "Baby... Can we start...?" I asked him...

"No...Daddy... Just wait... I'll talk to him" he husked to me... He stand infront of him...

Apo suddenly pulled him in his side and said "Tinny.... We will handle that na..."

"Hia...just i want to ask him some questions..." He released himself from Apo...and he asked that person..."You know that very well... We're Vampires... You can't easily steal anything from us but you stole our first prince soul's dagger... Tell me.. how did you steal the dagger.." He asked Sam calmly...

"Just by my hands" Sam mockingly replied..and laughed...I got angry and Want to kill him...

Barcode also laughed slightly..."I'm not a calm person if i didn't get answers from you... Definitely you can't speak after my investigate going like this..." He suddenly cut his left hand.. Sam groaned in pain... His blood was splattered in his own dress.... He control his scream... Well Sam is good assassin...

We utterly shocked by Barcode's action...P'Mile and Apo look at me....Damn... My baby is cool and hot when he is anger....I thought myself..."P'Jeff... Don't distract me..." He said out of nowhere...I chuckled and hugged him in backside..."Then... Concentrate your work baby" i whispered him...

"Hia... Held him for me... He distracted me..." He complained to his brother... Apo also pulled me from him...This time Barcode chuckled...


"Well... Sam... This is the last time.... How did you get the dagger ...? Don't lose your another hand...." He didn't even look at me... "I think their treatment make you speak..." I leave him to Hia and P'Mile....

I went and sat beside my boyfriend who is sulking right now...."Don't be sulk P'Jeff...." He turned his face other side... Actually I'm also sad what i said that but he know he wore the ring... His thoughts make me distract...

Hia punched his face hardly... I thought he'll collapsed but he didn't... P'Mile start to pluck his teeth one by one...In our body tooth only can't be cured...He didn't even flinched ....again P'Mile started to pluck his nails and he stopped in middle....like Nails are still connected in his flesh but he only cried, still he didn't open his mouth...

"Right now it's my turn..." P'Jeff stand beside me and went to him...."Sam...." He released him... And gave him water..."Look... You're my servent... I thought you're most believable person...That's true... You're a trustable person.. but not for me..." He took his hand... "You know that I'm not like my brother's... I'm totally different...So can you explain how did you did..? Why did you did..?" He asked him calmly....

"Prince.Jeff....You're already said that I'm trustable person...How do i betray my own master ...?" Sam talk back to him...

"But you're here since I born right..." When he said... I'm totally shocked...Shit...He literally live here as their person... How can he betrayed my family... I got angry...

"Do you think i didn't notice anything....? I noticed everything.... But i didn't hurt you because i thought you're also our family... You did wrong things but you'll change... That's why i leave you with out hurting these days..." He stated....

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