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I saw the caller name...and i get panic automatically ... I said to him" Barcode...wait for ten minutes...I'll call you back and i hang up the call immediately .

I look at Biu... "Biu, Did you tell him anything...? Because he doesn't know who am I.."

"I know that ... I didn't tell him anything ...just general talk... Don't worry, but I'm sure he's something special...he even threatened the Bible,” he laughed.

I smirked " he is too perfect to be my boyfriend...". Bui reminded me that you said you would call the barcode. "Ufff...Thanks Biu..." I smiled at him.

I called him...within a second he attended the call...

"P'Jeff...." His voice told me he was waiting for my call.

"Sorry, Barcode... for  late."

" It's okay, P' , Did you had dinner...? " He asked first...

"Hmmm... I had dinner... what about you..?" I asked him but "What a liar" he said to me.

"Hy...... Why did you call me liar..? " I'm confused...

He said " A while ago when I called P'Biu.. He said you didn't have dinner but now you said you did"

"So you believe him....not me..." I sulked..

"Oiiiii....i believe you but not now" he laughed...

"Hey baby boy listen..... It's true...when you called at the time i didn't eat but in the meantime i ate" i said to him..and continued..."Barcode... Are you okay...? Right...is there anything problem...?"

"Actually... I ask a favor but no is forbidden word... okay..." He said determined.

"Okay .... "

"P'Jeff... When did you came..?"

"Tomorrow morning....."

"I'm waiting for you..."

"Hey...what about the favour "

" I'll ask you when you come here"

"Okay...it's time to bed..good night Barcode ..."

"Good night P'Jeff "

When he cut the call...i sighed heavily..... What's his favour..? Did he know us..? No chance...Did he ask me to love him....uhhhhoo... If that's happens I'll definitely said yes.... I said to myself...

Then I called Nodt... And ask him to meet me...

After that I called Lilith and said "Take care of him... till I come. I will come tomorrow morning too..." I hung up. Lilith is my most trusted person next to Nodt.


When I came to the kitchen to drink water, I saw P'Nodt walking straight to the door... "P'Nodt.. where are you going this time..?" I asked that.

He turn back and said to me " Prince Ta ...Prince Jeff called me to meet him..."

"So what about Barcode...you know I can't handle this critical situation...I'm not as powerful as P'Mile and P'Bible...if something happens to us..I'm pretty sure I can't handle this P '.Don't leave ” I asked him sympathetically.

Suddenly he grabbed my shoulder and he lowered his head at my level... "Look at me Ta...You are powerful... Don't underestimate yourself infront of me.. you can handle this very well...because you are one of them ....don't worry because Lilith is here in few minutes..." He caressing my shoulder

I was a little scared and not about my safety. I can't protect the barcode....that's the fear... When I heard Lilith's name....I got some relief.

"Ok, P'Nodt.you can go, I can handle it...but I want you by my side, you have no idea how safe I feel whenever I'm with you...so please come back soon...I'm here for you Don't forget I'm waiting" I told him..

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