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When I got the alert call... I immediately called my brother and my Cousins... They told me that they are all fine... But why did I get this call...?  then did I realize that this call might be from someone related to me..?.. I called my brother again and said Check Pong.. He said I am with him... Finally I was relieved...

Wait...what about my bae...? already i heard someone in his house...I called him 5 times but he didn't pick up. So I rushed to his house and I rang the bell. No response was forthcoming. So I entered the house.

I smell something different... I felt something Is wrong and dangerous... I heard screams..I heard it and ran to the side where the noise came from.

I opened the door.. Two peoples watching Ghost movie....They two are hugged each other for panic..

I cleared my Thorat.... Barcode turn and looking at me... He was totally shocked..

The other person also turned and look at me...

The other person also turned and look at me

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"What the hell going here..? Huh.... How many times call you..? You didn't notice it Barcode...? " I said angrily...

He finally realised what he said on his phone....And he ran to me ,said "Sorry,P...I totally forgot.... And he is my Best friend since my childhood.... His name is Ta.." he said "Hi"

I introduced myself "Hi... I'm Jeff..." without any choice. I saw Barcode… “P'Jeff… come… join with us ..."

"No barcode ... I can't ... I just wanted to see you ... that's why I came here. I'm hungry... I want to eat... so I'm going home. Bye "… At that moment I noticed another kid staring at me. I felt strange..

I raised an eyebrow and asked what.? He said "why don't you join us for breakfast"i want to reject that.. Barcode cut off my words and said "P'Jeff, believe me his cooking skills are amazing...try it...for me"

I noticed that the kid kept looking at me. So I asked him "Why are you looking like this..?" I asked that. "I think I know you...your name is very familiar to me. That's why". I felt the same way. It was like I'd seen him somewhere.

"Oh... really..." I smiled awkwardly...

"Then I will cook for you guys.." he said and went to the kitchen.

I sat next to him... Barcode looked at me.And asked "P'Jeff are you mad..? You are sulking like high school boy.."

"Whatever... I'm mad at you...You don't know how scared I was...I was on my way to your house wondering if he was alright. Why is he not taking my calls..? Is anything happened to him.. like plenty of thoughts in my mind... forget it... anyway you are safe..." I said to him without breathing...

"Oi...oi...oi...first you should take a breath P', Why are talking breathlessly...? I'm okay and I'm sorry for not answering your calls.. that's my mistake but you don't worry to this much na... anything is happened..? " He asked me...

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