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I'm waiting for my little wife... No... No... He is stronger and smarter than me... if i call him little... Definitely he'll punish me with his power....Phoenix-Witch... Powerful one... Like me...However i got peace... If he is human he'll dead one day... Before that I'll turn him as vampire like me... This is hard process... I can't do that.... But he is not human...He isn't going to died... No one can separate us....I screamed in happiness inside..

"Aww...I'm here my handsome Vampire Daddy....so stop thinking and look at me..." When i heard his voice... I hugged him tightly...."Baby...I miss you..." He slapped my shoulder and shoulder...."Don't say... You miss me... Just accept you're hungry for me..."

"You know me well..... Yes... I'm hungry for your lips and your fucking pretty body....  Most important When you called me Daddy at this moment I'm more thirsty for your blood..." I accept the fact...."Daddy... What you want..?" He asked me innocently...."No... Not that look baby boy.... It makes me more hungry for you... Stop that before I went crazy.... otherwise you know what happens...? I can't guarantee that I'm going to be gentle baby...." He about to open his lips... I took the opportunity and i press his lips with mine...


They kissed each other slowly.... The Kiss said their love's depth and length,breadth.... Jeff smiled while kissing...He is so happy His baby's lips are occupied by his mouth...Barcode slowly bite & pulled Jeff's lips....it makes him crazy... He wanted to his boy's body but Barcode captured his hands and he sucks Jeff's lower lips...Over ecstasy makes his body squirmmed...

Barcode slowly taking control....He gives pleasure to his husband... This time he didn't hide anything....His heart is filled with happiness... He wants to shares his happiness so he took the opportunity and make him happy....he sucked his lips slowly.... Jeff moaned his name with full of pleasure....even he makes slowly... His moaning was increased.... He stopped suddenly.... Jeff look at him with sad doe eyes....



"Is anything stopped...? Do you have any problem...? Are you okay...?" Jeff still concerned about his boy... He slowly nodded...."Daddy... I want to take control... Don't stop me..." He said and pulled him for his aggressive kiss...they both are kissing aggressively...Jeff hold his boyfriend's waist getting his wet kiss... Barcode slowly put his hand into Jeff's shirt....when he touch his bare skin with his hand.... It makes Jeff's body jolted....

This Tinny boy know how to makes his man moaned.... He kiss him aggressively but he touch his body slowly... He want to beg his man for his touch... Jeff also longing to his touch but his moves makes him more crazy.... Finally he started to beg..."Baby... Please touch me more..." When he said... The Tinny guy pinch his nipple and give electric shock on his husband's body....Jeff throwing his head back in pleasure and closed his eyes... Enjoying his boy's touching...

Jeff couldn't control himself....He pulled Barcode to him and he top on him...."Enough...My baby boy.... This is my turn to make you scream.... Already i told you .... Don't play with me...you didn't hear me well... Right now you're going to be punished...." He tore his boy's shirt and his tongue roaming his baby boy's body...leave his mark....He continuously kissing him while taking his own cloth... They both are naked on the bed.... Their body crashed each other... His body heat makes them do wild....Jeff kiss lips again... He nibbles his bottom lip causing for his lips slightly open... He immediately enter his mouth... His tongue was quick enough to explore his inside... Sucking and licking like he owns the taste...Jeff on top of him... Still panting wet kisses all over his body... He went to his nipple.... He started sucking slowly... He started to playing with nipple... Barcode can't help ...he grope a fistful of Jeff's hair...

Barcode wants to feel him inside....He look at his man...his one look Jeff knows what he wants... He also waiting for that moment...He took the answer and entered inside him.... Barcode screamed in happiness because of his sudden move... He looks Barcode... His fangs came automatically..... Barcode licks his lips infront of his Bf... Jeff also licks his baby's lips and use his fangs to bite...Barcode lips starts bleed... His tasty blood,his moan makes him more horny... He couldn't help increased his thrusting speed.. While Jeff look at his boy who underneath him....Still he is inside him...His body is totally sweaty because of their activity.... His body smell is full of sex...His bleeding lips makes him drunk his blood... He lowered his head and starts to lick his blood while thrusting....
Before that he didn't taste any one's blood before...blood smell making him nauseous... His blood only make him full... When he drank his soulmate's blood.... He totally addicted to him and his blood....In the middle of sex while thrusting and dranking his soulmate's blood...it gives him more pleasure.... His pleasure makes him wild ... It also gives pleasure to Barcode... They both are reached their peak of pleasure...They slept beside each other without knowing.....


I felt cold because my bed was empty.... I looked around...I didn't saw my husband... I dress myself and went upstairs.... I saw someone screamed....It's P'Bible....

"Don't dare to move....Prince.Bible, otherwise i broke his horns....You didn't saw him in your end of life " I saw one of our castle servant threatened P'Bible....

When i look P'Biu.... He didn't scare at all... It's look like he give some message to P'Bible via his ring.... But He didn't understand... I understand what he said...so i signaled P'Jeff..

P'Jeff didn't turn but he signaled me....."Be careful baby... He had P'Tong's dagger and he held Biu... His Dagger is pointed biu's horn... So please careful"

No one's saw me but Pong noticed me... I mouthed him to distract that person...He stepped infront of that person...."Sam...Do you really think I'm afraid...? You know what?. i want to tell you something... I'm the King of Fallen Angel... No one can dare to talk back to me but you threaten me... How courage...?" I told him to distract that person but this is dangerous.... If our enemy knows that we have a big problem.

That person laughed sarcastically...." That's not true... If it's true you didn't tell me that.... because if i know that You guys are entered in problem..."

"Sam...Sam..Sam... You're totally wrong... It's only problem if you're alive. If you're not..." I hit his hand and pulled the Dagger from him.... He dropped the dagger... P'Tong took quickly and cut his wrist..."Lock him in our torture room..." He ordered...

"P'Biu .... Are you okay...? How did he get your dagger..?" I asked P'Tong..."I don't know Barcode but stealing my dagger is not easy.... Even Jeffy can't took this..." I nodded my head...P'Bible look at us and took P'Biu in his room.

"Then it's going to be a big problem...P'Jeff and P'Po,P'Mile... we're going to investigate that bastard... He is trying to kill one of our family members..." We went to the torture room...

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