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I ran away from the fan meeting because no one should see my real self... if others see it, our people will be in danger... so I ran back to my apartment. After coming here I couldn't stop turn back to vampire. It's so hard... It's because I was so close to my soulmate these days.. His presence made me want to drink his blood but I avoided it completely. ...

I have not drank anyone's blood since birth..especially since I knew the details I was waiting for my soulmate's blood..because I have to be true to my soulmate..that will show him my honesty..whoever drinks anyone's blood but him they will die. I don't mean to be cruel.If I don't drink his blood like that I will die in thirty days... I can drink without his consciousness... I can't drink like that because it's terrible.. If I do that there is no difference between me and others….

I think death has started haunting me...this is the first day...I felt my bones shattering inside...I could not bear the pain and I screamed loudly...my screams shattered the window panes...I couldn't bear the pain. .. Maybe if I become a vampire.. I have a higher pain tolerance than a normal body.... So I turned myself as Vampire to relieve my pain...

My eyes are red... My face is pale... My throat is dry... It needs blood... The heat of blood helps my thirst... I shouldn't be like this... I want my body to obey me.. so I close my eyes and think of Barcode… his eyes… his smile… calms me down…

I forced to suppress myself ....due to which blood came out of my mouth... the fangs came out on their own because of the blood... while trying to control myself again I heard footsteps near me... immediately I turned around "Barcode..."

He was about to faint...I suddenly grabbed him....I forgot to call him in my deep voice...he looked very scared" P'Jeff....are you Vam...vampire.....? " he collapsed in my arms.... Tears came to my eyes without knowing me.." Barcode.... Barcode..." I tapped his cheek... but he didn't wake up...

I carried him in my arms ... I laid him on my bed ... I called Lilith and told her what happened ... Next minute everyone came ... I look at them sadly... the way I saw them quickly Bibs came and hugged me tightly "Sssssss. ...Jeff...it's gonna be ok...believe me...everything will be ok...give him some time...." He rubs my back...

"Bibs.....He....he... Scared of me.... He fainted infront me in my hands...just hearing my voice... Bibs.... What can I do...?" I sobbed in his shoulder...He is my best friend and cousin ... He understands me everything...."Okay..okay... you can go and take  rest... I'll take care of everything...okay... we're here... Don't remember he is your soulmate..believe him.." I only nodded.

"Biu... Take care of him for me... I don't want to see him again get scared of me.. so please ..." I requested him and left the room...


I had a bad dream.. in which a vampire bit me.. I screamed in my sleep... someone hugged me and patted my back..."don't worry barcode... we are here... don't be afraid ...." I felt warm.. .I knew it wasn't P'Jeff... I opened my eyes... it was P'Po.

"P'Po... why am I here... when did I sleep..?" I asked him... P'Biu asked me. "Do you remember anything..?" .. yes I remembered everything….P'Jeff ... His eyes... he is vampire....I looked around...P'Jeff isn't here...I got scared and looked at them “So .. you guys  also...” P’Tong interfered “No, you are wrong…” I look at them confused..P' Bible said to me "Ok...promise me not to run away after this and then I'll tell you everything..." I shook my head.

"Well.. Me,Mile,Tong,Ta are Vampires...Biu is unicorn.Po is Phonix.. Nodt is Werewolf, Lilith is Griffin..Pong is turn vampire....if he only agrees...but Jeff is different from all of us... He is hybrid... He is Were-Pire... And Me,Mile,Ta,Tong,Jeff.... We are Prince of Vampires...Yes my father is King of Vampire" P'Bible look at me.. with expect something....

Soulmate (Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now