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When the mythic world gates were opened...every mythic creature transformed itself into its own state and entered the mythic world....Nodt turn to Were-Wolf form ,Po turn to Phoneix form...they were too absorbed by that force.... As the creatures moved into the world, lightning began to strike Princes. The Princes can't able to stand because of lightning.... Immediately Build turn to His unicorn self and he protected all of them...All the mythological creature went to mythological world...Princes also turned themselves and absorbed by the force...

Build stood for 10 minutes and protected them from the lightning... His body was bleeding in some places... Bible took him in his arms and went to their fort. Jeff took Barcode with him….and Barcode was bleeding too…..Mileapo,Pongtong also went to their castle….Ta went Nodt's castle...

All the people received the news and they came to see their Princes....Some of hunters also came.... because those hunters are their side...

Jeff's POV

Still I'm thinking about Barcode.... I didn't expect he cut his hands for me..for us... I can't stop thinking about him.... I'm fell in with him more and more... He peacefully sleep in my bed... In my world....

He finally accepted me as who I am... Slowly i removed his hair on his face...."Baby.... Do you want anything....I'll arrange for you..." I asked him... He whined like baby..."P'Jeff... Just hold me.... This place is too hold..." i smiled and hugged him...

"Baby... This is Vampire castle.... We are usually live in this temperature... If you can't live this place same as me... I'll arrange in Nodt place... I think His place is okay for you....hmm..?" He smiled at me and shooked his head..."But.... I want live with you Papa..." When he said... I'm totally shocked....

"Baby... Don't give me shock like this...." I nuzzled his nose with mine.... He slightly giggled.... I kissed his nose tip ... Someone knocked my door...

"Prince. Jeff... People are here... They want to see you..."

"Okay... I'll be in five minutes... Please informed other Princes Also...." I ordered him and get up to ready for meet my people.... Barcode look at me with smile..."Are you come with me...? " I asked him ...

"Can I..?"

"Why not..?" He looked down... Because I'm boy and ..... "But you're my soulmate... You don't reveal anything... Just come with me... When you're okay... Tell me about you... Okay..." I assured him... He nodded his head happily..

Bible's POV

When our servant told me... People are here.... But i can't leave my baby in this situation.. He was hurt because of us... People are important also... Someone knocked the door...Jeff and Barcode came..

"Hey.... How is Biu...? " Jeff asked me..."He just sleeping... I think he hurts badly... He whined just while ago... I can't leave him Jeffy... but people..." I said to him.... "I'll take care of P'Biu.... P'Bible you can go with P'Jeff" Barcode said...

"Did you know what are you talking...? " I slightly angered...he flinched ... Jeff hold him tightly and look at me with anger...

"I....I'm sorry Prince.Bible... I'll take care of him...you can go and meet your people with Prince Jeff.. Prince.Bible..." When he finished his lines... Me and Jeff busted in laugh....

He look at us innocently....."Hey...Kiddo... I mean.. do you know about him...? If he sick...he whined and cried a lot... he'll be clingy to me... If he didn't see me beside him... He'll cried till he faint....He is such a baby when he is sick...That's i meant ...okay..." I said and patted his shoulder...

"Oh... Sorry...Prin... P'Bible...." He scratched his back neck...

"Okay....Take care of him... we'll be quick..." I said to him and left with Jeff.....

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