chapter 5: date?

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Steve ~
After Eddie sits on the bed next to me, I look at my watch."Oh I have to go." I'm supposed to hang out with Robin today. She has something important to tell me. I thank him for playing for me, "Anytime, Harrington."

He hands me a sticky note with his number written on it. I'm so late for meeting robin! I hope in my car and start pulling out of his driveway. I see him look through the window with a worried look plastered on his face. I start driving really fast and finally arrive at Robin's house and knock on the door. "Hey dingus what took you so long?" She said with a smile on her face. " I have something important to tell you too.." she invites me in and we sit down on her couch.

"Ok, you go first" I say. "Vickie has a boyfriend." "What?! Do you want me to beat him up?" We laughed. "Okay now you go." "Okay but, promise you won't laugh." "I promise." "I'm dating Eddie Munson." "WHAT?! YOU'RE GAY?! WHAT?!" " I'm bisexual. It's where you like guys and girls. And in this case, I like Eddie." "Oh. My. God. AWWWW." "He gave me his number." I show her the note. "Call him!" "What do i say?!" "I don't know.. oh! Ask him on a date!" "What?! Are you crazy?!" "Yes, i am." "Where would we go though?" "To the movies or something?" "Okay, fine." I call the number on the note and the phone rings for a second. "Hello?" "Hey.

It's Steve." "Oh hey Steve!" "Um.. I was wondering if um.." "Ask him Steve!" I hear Robin yell behind me. "Um.. maybe you would want to go on a date with me?" "Yes! of course! When?" I look at robin. "I'll pick you up at 8?" "Yeah, yeah sure that works." He immediately hung up the phone and I hung up too. "What do I wear?!" "What you're wearing now looks fine." Robin said.

"Okay, okay." I've been on dates before. I've never felt this nervous before. "Steve, are you okay?" "No. Oh god what if he doesn't like it? What if he wants me to take him home before the date even starts?!" "That won't happen. Chill dude." I check the time and it's 7:30. "I have to go!" "Have fun lovebird." Robin said jokingly.

I start driving. Before I even know it, I'm already at his trailer. I honk once and see him running out of the door. He looks really nice. He had a plain black shirt on and the first pair of jeans I've seen him where without holes. He also had that leather jacket on that he always wore. He got in the car and looked at me with a big smile. "Someone dressed fancy." I said turning forward. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." I say with a laugh. We get to the movies and I grab Eddie's hand and pull him into the theater.

We sit down with our popcorn and start watching the movie. I picked maximum overdrive. I heard it's pretty scary. The theater is basically empty. It's just us. Eddie LOVES scary movies. He told me Friday night. In one scene, there was a jumpscare, and Eddie jumped and grabbed my arm. After the movie, we got back in my car. He smiled and said "I love scary movies!" "I know. Why do you think I picked one?" He looked deeply into my eyes and kissed me.

Eddie ~
"Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." We pull into the parking lot of an old movie theater. We get out of the car and he grabs my hand and we start running to the theater. We grab some popcorn and sit down. I had no idea what movie he picked. There was one part of the movie where there was a jumpscare and it scared me. I grabbed Steve's arm. He looked at me and

After the movie we got back in the car and I say "I love scary movies!" " I know. Why do you think I picked one?" He knows me better than I know myself sometimes! I look into his beautiful, brown eyes, and kiss him. I don't know why I did it but, I kissed him. He dropped me off back at my house. "Thanks Harrington." I smile. "You're welcome Munson." He smiled back and drives away. I go to my bedroom and lay on my bed. The last 3 days were a blur.

Then I hear a honk. I get up and walk outside. It's Steve. "I need your help." He says with a worried look. "With what?" "It's the upside down. The same thing that happened to Chrissy, happened to one of Nancy's friends and one of the basketball players. We need to kill vecna." Steve gets out and we walk over to Max's house. Once we get there, we walk in."God. finally Steve." Henderson sighs."We've been trying to get a hold of you on the walkie for hours."

Robin looks at me. "I'm guessing Steve told you everything?" "Yeah." They explain this whole elaborate plan to kill this vecna guy. Steve and I are supposed to distract the bats. Max is going to distract vecna. Robin, Nancy and Dustin are going to kill him. I sit down next to Steve. "We need weapons right?" I say. "there's this place right outside of Hawkins. We go now, we can be back before 2 am?" "Not on bikes, we can't." Mike said."I never said anything about bikes." "What, you got some sort of car we don't know about?" Steve asked knowing that my uncle was using the van.

It's not exactly a car, Steve. And it's not exactly mine but, it'll do." I look at max. "You got a mask?" She thought and nodded. My face was covered by a Micheal Myers mask. I snuck in through a window into this campervan. Everyone else snuck in after. I take the mask off and start to hotwire to start the camper. "You know how to hotwire"? Asked Steve. "When everyone else was fishing and tossing balls with their dad's, my old man was teaching me how to hotwire."

Robin walked up to us and locked the door. "I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving." "Oh I'm just starting this thing, Harrington's got it. Don't ya big boy?" The camper starts and the people sitting in front of it start banging on the door. I jump out of the driver seat and Steve sits down. "Drive!" Robin yells. About 45 minutes we arrive at the place. everyone but me and Henderson go in. "We're preparing for BATtle. Get it?" He laughs. I look at him with a confused look.

"Bat? B-A-T." I shake my head and mess up his hair. After a while everyone came back and we started to ride back to hawkins. There was a gate thing in the forest where chrissy died. We went to my trailer and grabbed a mattress and a sheet.

We drove to the spot in the woods. I dropped the sheet into the gate. I put my mattress under the gate so we had something to fall on. Me and Steve grabbed our shields and spears and climbed down first. Max went to that creele house with Lucas. Nancy, Dustin, and Robin climbed down after us.

A/N: hey readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will most likely be another chapter today. Love you all! ♥️
words ~ 1271

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