chapter 7: the aftermath

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Steve ~
It's been about 2 weeks since I got attacked by the demobats. I'm still in the hospital. Eddie comes by everyday after school and sleeps in my room at night. He brings me actual, edible food (unlike the hospital food) from his uncle because, well, Wayne is a GREAT cook. "Hey Steve!" I see Eddie walk in my room. "Heyy" I say. "How are you feeling today? I know you said your stomach was hurting a little bit before i left this morning, did you tell the doctor?" "Yeah. He said I would be in pain for a little bit because you know, the 'dog' hit some nerves or something like that."

We told them that I had been attacked by a dog because we would sound crazy if we said something like demobats. "Well, did he prescribe you some pain medicine?" "Eddie I'm fine, really." He gave me a worried look then sighed. He came over and placed a tupperware container on the little table in front of me. "Spaghetti. He made your favorite tonight!" "Tell him I said thanks!" He sat down next to me and started rambling on about his school day. "And then, Jason beat up some band geek. I was watching the whole thing. You should have seen it! How was your day? Any visitors?"

I point to the table next to him with what seemed like a billion cards, vases of flowers, and homework that  teachers had brought by. "Well, considering the table is full from all that stuff that wasn't there this morning, I'm gonna say about 20 people came by my room today." "Who?" He asked curiously. "Well there was Nancy and Robin, which, they were constantly flirting with each other the entire time." "Wheelers' gay?" "I don't know but, she was flirting back and blushing so.."

"Well that's intriguing,  but continue." Eddie said."Then there was Mrs. Wheeler who brought me chicken noodle soup, a group of the cheerleaders came in and started hugging me, and left a bunch of flowers. Honestly, I didn't even know any of their names. Um.. the kids came by to check on me and gave me some magazines." "Who?" "Oh uh.. Dustin and Mike. Apparently Lucas was to busy at practice to come and check on me.

Max came too. I'm glad she was okay after they killed vecna." I started to open the container with the spaghetti that Eddie had given me earlier and started to eat it. "Good huh? He put olives in it this time." Eddie said. "Yeah it's really good." Eddie stared at the wall. "Pretty nice wall huh?" I asked because he hadn't taken his eyes off of it for the past 5 minutes. He looked at me and said "Oh I was just thinking."

"About what?" "Oh it's nothing. Don't worry about me, you're the one in the hospital bed!" He laughs nervously. Eddie starts to fidget with his rings. I grab his hand to stop his fidgeting. "What's bothering you?" I ask. "Nothi-" "It's not nothing, Don't lie to me Eddie!" "Okay but don't laugh okay?" "Why would I laugh?" "After your surgery, you said I loved you so much that I wouldn't let you die. I know you didn't mean anything that you said but-" "but you do." I say finishing his sentence.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I've never felt like this before Steve. When you're around me, my day automatically gets better. When you smile, it's contagious. When I look into your eyes, my heart starts to race. So yes Steve, I'm gonna say I'm pretty sure I've fallen in love with you." After he said that he covered his mouth like what he just said had flooded out of his mouth on accident. He ran out of the room. He had left his bag next to me.

"Eddie wait!" I yell. I see robin walk into my room. "I just saw Eddie sitting outside smoking. He was crying. Is everything okay?" "No robin, everything is not okay. Eddie just told me he loved me then ran out of the room before I could say anything." I start to sniffle holding back tears. "Hey, hey Steve it's okay." Robin says hugging me. "And the worst thing is that, I think I'm in love with him too, and he thinks that I'm not."

Robin hugs me again and pats my back as she lets go. "Hey I'm so sorry but I have to go, I have a date." "Let me guess. Nancy?" "How'd you -" "I never reveal my sources." We laughed and said bye. I read some magazines that Dustin had dropped off earlier and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of someone walking in my room. I opened my eyes and saw Eddie walking out with his bag.

"I love you too Eddie." I say. He looks back at me in the dark room. "W-what?" He comes over and sits on my bed. "I said I love you too." "You don't mean that." "Yes I do, Eddie. I swear." He hugs me so tight I can't breathe. "Ow, ow! Watch the stomach!" "Oh sorry!" He lets go. "Are you sure you mean it? You don't have to say it just because-" "Yes. Of course I mean it!" He kisses my forehead and laid down in the recliner they had set up for him next to me. I love Eddie Munson. It felt good thinking about it.

Eddie ~
I woke up in the morning and felt a lot better than I had the night before. He knows I love him and he loves me too! I sneaked out of his room trying not to wake him up and I walk to his car. I had been using it ever since I drove him here to get back and forth to school. I got in and started to pull out of the hospital parking lot.

I started driving to school and I stop at a red light. I start singing along to the song on the radio and look to my left. I see a car driving straight towards me. Before I could react, it crashed into me. I could feel my whole body go numb and then everything went black.

A/N: hey readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will post another one either today or tomorrow. Much love!♥️
words ~ 1079

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