chapter 45: control freak

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Eddie ~
I open my eyes and stare at my ceiling. Last night, he looked upset. I shouldn't have dumped him. I screwed up. "UGHHH!" I yell, standing up. My uncle knocks on the door. "Ed?" He asks, before opening the door. "You never told me why you're staying here. Everything alright with you and that Steve boy? I don't mind you staying here, I'm just worried about you, son." Wayne says. "Oh, we're on a um... Break." I reply.

"Oh, Eddie." He responds, pulling me into a hug. He saw my nose. "Eddie, did he hurt you?" Wayne asks. "We got into a fight. I hurt him too. I didn't mean to. I screwed up, uncle Wayne. I screwed up." I say, starting to cry. "Everyone makes mistakes, Ed. It's nothin' to be ashamed of. You just gotta make it right." Wayne replies. "I tried. He doesn't even want to look at me." I say, rubbing my eyes. "He'll come around. Just try again." Wayne responds. I nod and grab my keys, walking outside to my van.

I start driving to the video store, but then I realize, I can't just apologize, I have to get him something, because I really screwed up this time. I park at this little gift shop and start walking to it. Someone hands me a flyer. "Halloween party!" It reads. I immediately think of Steve. He would probably go to it. Actually, I doubt it. But it would be nice to get out of the house. I fold it up and shove it in my pocket. I walk into the gift shop and start looking around.

He wouldn't like any of this stuff. It's too cheesy. I walk back out and see that it's six in the afternoon. I woke up really late. The party starts at 8:30. I start driving to the house. I could wait it out and see if Steve is coming? He's probably not going to.
Steve ~
Robin and I get into the car. "Wait! There's a party tonight! We should go!" Nancy exclaims, running to the car. "Do I have a choice?" Robin asks. "No." Nancy replies. "Then, Steve's going too." Robin says, looking at me. "No." I reply. "Come on, Steve! Live a little!" Nancy exclaims. "Fine. But I'm not happy about it." I reply. "Thank you, Steve. Bye, love you." Nancy says, pecking Robin on the cheek and running back inside.

Robin starts to blush. I laugh a little. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY, HARRINGTON? At least I have a date to the party." Robin says, starting to drive to work. "HEY! Too early." I say. "Sorry." She replies. She parks in the parking lot and we walk inside. "Don't get wasted at this thing. We need someone to drive us home." Robin says, sitting down behind the counter. "Why do I have to drive?" I ask. "I wanna see Nancy drunk, and frankly, you're the one with a license." Robin replies.

"YOU DON'T HAVE A LICENCE?!" I exclaim. "All you, Harrington." She responds, reading a magazine. Some people walk in and grab a movie. They place it on the counter. I scan it. "$3.47" I say. They hand me the money and walk out, movie in hand. "It's late. We need to close." Robin says. "We just got here!" I say, checking the time. It's already 7:30 in the afternoon. "We got here really late." Robin explains, grabbing her keys. "NO. LET ME DRIVE." I exclaim, grabbing the keys from her.

We get into the car and I start driving back to her house. I park and run inside. I find an old suit that I used to wear to parties. I put it on and fix my hair. "Nancy! Come on!" Robin yells. Nancy walks into the living room. "How do I look?" She asks. "Good." Robin replies. "Just good?" Nancy asks.

"COME ON. WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE." I exclaim. We walk outside and I start driving. "You haven't worn that since junior year." Nancy says, looking over at me. "Haven't been to a party in a while." I reply, starting to drive to the house where the party is at.

"Steve, don't drink too much-" "I already know. I'm driving us home. I know." I say, parking in the driveway. We walk inside. The music is blaring. A group of girls wave at me. I give them an awkward smile. Nancy pulls Robin to a different room, so I'm by myself. I go to the kitchen and grab a drink. "HEY STEVE! WHAT'S UP, MAN!" A guy yells. "Hey." I reply, walking away. I hear some yelling coming from the backyard.

I walk outside and see Eddie, pushing through people. "STEVE!" Eddie calls out. Oh god. I go to walk away and feel a hand wrap around my wrist. "Steve." Eddie says. "Go away, Eddie." I reply, walking away. "STEVE!" Eddie yells. Everyone goes silent. I look back at Eddie. He's standing on a table.

"Don't walk away from me again. Just listen. When I first met you, I immediately thought, 'Man, I hate this guy.' But somehow you were... nice, and funny, and you didn't call me a freak. You saw the good in me. You made my days better. And, everytime I would cry, you would be right there, holding my hand. You had my back. Even when, I didn't have yours. Everytime I landed in the hospital, you were always there. And, I realize, that I have been a pretty shitty boyfriend. I will never forgive myself for hurting you. I am so, so sorry, Steve. You aren't controlling, or selfish. I didn't mean that. These last few days have been hell. I am an actual idiot. I love you, Steve Harrington, and I don't want to fight anymore." Eddie says, jumping off of the table.
He walks up to me. I turn around, starting to walk away. "Steve." Eddie says. I turn around and place my hands on his cheeks, pulling his face towards mine.

I kiss him.

I couldn't help it. I tried to resist, but I couldn't. Everyone started cheering. It felt like our lips were glued together.
I pull away and stare at him. His dark brown eyes stare back into mine. "I'm sorry." I say. "For punching you, and yelling. It just.. I couldn't believe that you wanted a break." I add. "It's okay, Steve. I know." Eddie replies, hugging me tight.

"I missed you so much." I say, hugging him back. "I missed you too." He responds. We walk inside and see Robin and Nancy passed out on the couch. I pick Robin up and start carrying her to the car.

Eddie picks Nancy up and follows me. "I hate fighting." I say, lying Robin down in the backseat. "It's so stupid." Eddie adds, laying Nancy down in the back seat too. "Have you drank?" He asks. "A little." I reply, walking over to the driver side.

"Let me drive." Eddie responds. "Fine." I reply, tossing him the keys and sitting down in the passenger seat. "I've never cried that much before, Eddie." I say while he pulls out of the driveway. "I'm sorry, Steve. I really am." Eddie replies. "I should be sorry too. I shouldn't have yelled." I respond. "You had every right to, Steve. I'm the one who said we should take a break. Not you." Eddie replies, grabbing my hand. "But you did break one of my guitar strings. That one really hurt." He adds.

"I did?! Oh god. I'll replace it. I'm sorry." I respond, pinching the bridge of my nose. I'm so stupid. "It's okay." Eddie replies, pulling into Robin's driveway. He parks and we get out. I pick Robin up and carry her to her bedroom. Eddie follows me, carrying Nancy. I lie Robin onto her bed and take her shoes off. Eddie does the same for Nancy. We walk out of the room, shutting the door.

"When we were having our argument, did you mean everything you said?" I ask, walking into my room and flopping onto the bed. "Yeah, I did." Eddie replies, taking his shoes off. "So, the whole 'controlling' thing? That was true?" I ask. "No, obviously not. You're the least controlling person I know. I just ran out of comebacks." Eddie responds, laughing. I stare at the wall. "Steve. Of course I didn't mean it." Eddie says, sitting next to me. I start to cry. "Steve? Oh." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

"When me and Nancy were dating, she used that in arguments too. I know it's true. You don't have to lie to me." I say, sobbing. "Steve, I'm not. I wouldn't lie about that. I'm a brutally honest person, so I would tell you. You aren't controlling, at all." Eddie assures me. I am. I'm a control freak. I always have been. And I always will be.

A/N: hey readers! you're welcome. also, i made a reading list! If you're waiting on a chapter, or you're all caught up with my fic, then i put the ones that i have read in there that i think ARE SOOOO GOOD (which they are) anyways, thanks for reading! much love♥️
words ~ 1544

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