chapter 35: like a tomato

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Steve ~
I open my eyes to see Robin, Max and Dustin standing over me. "STEVE! Oh my god! You're alive!" Robin exclaims, hugging me. I try to speak, but my throat hurts too much. Dustin hands me some paper and a pen. "Here." He says. I write something on it. Max grabs it and reads it out loud. "Where's Eddie? Um..." She says, setting the piece of paper down. "Okay, I'm going to tell you what happened in the last couple hours. Don't freak out okay?" Dustin says, sitting on the edge of my hospital bed. I look at him confused and nod.

"We went to the upside down and you were um, killed by the vines. Eddie was trying to free you and um... he kinda... died too. I know, it sounds crazy but-" "Steve! You're okay?" Nancy exclaims running into the room. I point at the piece of paper. She scans over it. "Eddie's okay. He's in a room. He hasn't woken up yet." She replies, hugging me. I grab the piece of paper and write a letter.

Nancy grabs it and reads over it. She gives me a thumbs up and walks out with the letter. "What was that about?" Max asks, looking at me. I underline the word Eddie that was on the paper from earlier. They all nod. "Was anyone else hurt?" I write on the paper. "No, no one else was hurt. I'll be right back." Robin replies while walking out of my room. A few minutes later, they bring Eddie into my room on a bed.

They put his bed right next to mine. He's not awake yet. All of the doctors leave and everyone else just stares at me and Eddie in complete silence. I watch Eddie. He died trying to save me. He lies still for a minute before his eyes jerk open. I smile. He looks around and sees me. "Hey, Harrington." He says in a raspy voice. "How can he talk?" I write down on a piece of paper. "You were trapped in the vines longer than him." Nancy replies.

"How are you feeling?" I write on a piece of paper and hand it to him. "Well, my neck hurts like hell, but other than that, tired. How are you doing?" He asked. "I'm ok. I told you not to die." I write down and show him. "I told you the same thing. You don't listen very well, do you?" He asks, smiling. "Let's give the lovebirds some privacy." Robin says while everyone walks out of the room. "Apparently you don't either." I write, showing him the piece of paper. He sees a folded up letter in his table and starts to read it.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I quickly write "No don't cry!!" And show him. Eddie stands up and is a bit wobbly at first, but then he sits down on my bed and kisses me. It hurt a little because of my throat. He realizes that I was in pain. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you." He says, hugging me. "It's okay. How's my hair look?" I write while smiling. "It looks pretty good considering we did just die." Eddie replies, wiping some hair out of my face. I smile. "You know, you're blushing like crazy, right now." Eddie says, lying down next to me.

Eddie ~
"I am?" Steve writes on the paper. I nod my head. "You do in fact, look like a tomato, Steve Harrington." I reply, smiling. "HEY. I DO NOT!" Steve responds on the piece of paper. "Yeah you do, Stevie boy." I reply, looking at him. Robin walks in and so does Nancy. "YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO DO THAT AGAIN, HARRINGTON. NEVER." Robin yells, hugging Steve.

He writes something down and shows her. "I AM NOT. I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T GONNA WAKE UP! YOU SCARED US ALL. AND, YOU TOO EDDIE." Robin responds, pointing at me. "Sorry." I reply, holding back a laugh. Robin pulls me into a hug. "Robin, it's fine." I assure her. "NO, EDDIE, IT'S REALLY NOT." Robin replies, with tears in her eyes.

"Robin, maybe you want to go get some water and come back?" Nancy asks. Robin nods and Nancy kisses her cheek and they walk out. "They're so cute together." I say, looking over at Steve. "STEVE!" Henderson yells, while running into our room. The rest of the kids follow. "Hey, Steve." Max says. "You guys died!" Lucas exclaims. "Steve can't talk." I say, wrapping my arm around him. He waves and all of the kids hug him. Henderson walks over to me. He pulls me into the tightest hug.

"Don't ever do that again. I can't take that again." He said. "I won't Henderson. Don't worry about me! I'm all good, man." I reply, smiling. I wasn't good. I felt terrible. Steve is the one who couldn't talk so, I shouldn't feel bad. My neck hurts, like really bad. My eyes hurt. But, it could be way worse. Steve looks at me with a confused look and points at the door. "Oh uh, he wants you guys to get out for a sec." I say, looking at my rings.

They all nod and walk out, shutting the door behind them. He writes something down then shows me. "What's wrong?" Tears start to fill my eyes. I don't even know why. "I'm alright." I reply, closing my eyes. He shakes me. I open my eyes and look at him. He points at what he just wrote. "I'm okay, love. Just tired." I reply, kissing him on the forehead and closing my eyes again. He put the blanket over me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I open my eyes and look at him. He's just staring at me with a worried look. "Steve, I'm okay. Don't worry about me! You're the one who can't talk." I say, holding back tears. He rolls his eyes. "I love you." I say, tears rolling down my cheeks. "I love you too. What did you do Eddie?" He wrote on a piece of paper. "I didn't do anything-" I get interupted by the door being slammed open and a man walking up to us. Steve's jaw drops to the floor and so does mine.

"Steven?" The man asks. Steve just sits there, tears rolling down his face. Steve's mom runs in. "Steven! Are you- oh." His mom says. He writes something down angrily and shows them. "Steven, I swear it's not what it looks like." The man says. He looked very familiar. "Look, you're upsetting him, so you need to get out." I say, looking at the man.

"That's my son. I'm not upsetting him." The man replies. I sit there, my eyes wide open.

A/N: hey readers! y'all were so upset that i killed steve's dad off so, you're welcome. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of a chapter! thanks for reading. much love♥️
words ~ 1170

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