chapter 44: all for nothing

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⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of a lot of crying, like a whole mental breakdown. and physical violence. it's a lot.
Steve ~
I pause the movie. Eddie closes the door. He walks over to me, making eye contact. "I'm... Sorry. For yelling. And saying that you um... didn't love me." I say, holding back my tears. "Do you really think that, Steve? You really think that the whole time that we've been dating, I didn't love you?" Eddie asks, looking hurt. "No, of course not, Eddie. It was just in the heat of the moment." I say, standing up, and grabbing Eddie's hand.

He gently pushes it away. "Maybe we should... Take a break." Eddie says, tears streaming down his face. "Eddie, please. You know I didn't mean anything." I reply, tears racing down my cheeks. "Just for a little bit. So we can... clear our heads." Eddie adds. "Eddie... Please don't do this." I say, choking on the waterfall of tears that are streaming from my eyes. "Steve, we need time, alone." Eddie responds.

"YOU WANT TIME ALONE? FINE! HERE'S YOUR STUPID GUITAR. DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES." I yell, walking into the room and throwing a bunch of his stuff, into the living room. "Steve, stop." Eddie says. "TAKE OZZY WITH YOU. HE'S OBVIOUSLY YOURS." I scream. "OH, GO TO HELL, STEVE." Eddie replies. "MAYBE I WILL." I scream, getting in his face. "Get away from me." Eddie says.

"WHY SHOULD I? SO YOU CAN DUMP ME AGAIN? OH, WAIT.. YOU CAN'T, BECAUSE YOU ALREADY DID! TWICE!" I exclaim. "I said get the hell away from me!" Eddie yells, pushing me. I look back at him. I punch him. He falls onto the floor. "Steve, I know you did not just punch me." Eddie said, placing his finger under his nose to check for blood. I feel his cold, metal rings, crash into my face. Nancy and Robin walk in and see us fighting.

"HEY! HEY, BREAK IT UP." Robin yells, pulling me off of him. Eddie walks to the door. "YEAH, LEAVE. THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE GOOD AT DOING!" I yell, sobbing. His head drops and he walks out, slamming the door behind him. I sit down on the floor.

My hands begin to shake. Tears steadily flow down my face. I start rocking back in forth. He left me? He just left me. Eddie Munson just dumped me. I knew last time that we were just being idiots.

But... I think... I think he meant it this time. "Steve, what just happened?" Nancy asks. I stand up and walk past them. I go to the bedroom, shutting the door and locking it. I slide down the door to the floor, staring at the wall.

"You don't have to open the door, Harrington. Just tell us what happened." Robin says. "He... He dumped me. And then we started fighting." I reply, standing up and flopping onto my bed, shoving my head into a pillow.

I roll over and pull his ring out of my pocket. "Take a break. MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE A BREAK!" I yell, throwing the ring across the room. "There's some water in front of your door. We're making grilled cheese if you want any. We're here, Steve." Nancy says.

I hear her footsteps grow quieter. He just left me. I feel like my throat is closing up. He just crushed my heart into a million little pieces. I cry myself to sleep.

I wake up and look over at the clock. It's 3 in the afternoon. I stare at the ceiling. I can't move. It feels like I'm paralyzed. It's all so... numb. I hear a quiet knock on my door. "Steve? You okay?" It's Robin. "At least give me a sign that you're alive." She says, sighing.

I throw a pillow at the door. "Okay. If you need anything, I'm here." She says, walking away. I turn to look at where Eddie used to sleep. I grab his pillow and hold it, starting to cry. Eventually, I fall asleep again.

I wake up to knocking at the door. "There's some food by the door. Lady and Ozzy miss you. Goodnight, Steve." Nancy says. I start crying again. I grab my walkman and open the door. The lights are off. I walk outside and start to jog. I'm mad. Furious. He thought he could just throw me away like that? Hell no.

I pull the walkman over my ears and start running faster and faster. The moon lights the sidewalk. I don't even know where I'm running to. It feels good, getting fresh air. Feeling the night breeze blow against my face, drying my tears.

A van passes by me. I stop and look back at it. It's Eddie's van. I start running again, even faster. I don't care what he does. I take a deep breath and start running even faster. At this point, I'm drenched in sweat. I slow down to catch my breath. "DAMNIT!" I scream. I start jogging back to Robin's house and see Eddie's van parked in the driveway. He's talking to Robin.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY HOUSE, EDDIE. HE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH- Steve? You were in your bedroom?" She looked at me, confused. "I just wanted to go for a run. Move." I say, pushing past Eddie. He grabs my wrist. I turn around and push him away. "Go home, man. I have work in the morning. You wanted a break, we're taking a break." I say, slamming the door in his face.

"Steve? Are you okay?" Robin asks, looking me up and down. "Sorry about that. It won't happen again." I reply, walking back to my room and shutting the door. I started to quietly sob. It hurt me so much to see Eddie. I was right though. We're on a break. It doesn't mean we're not gonna get back together. I just have to relax. I sit back down on my bed, and Robin walks in.

"Steve..." She says, sitting down next to me. "I'm okay! Really. You gotta go to bed! We have work in the morning!" I say, smiling. "Stop doing what you're doing with your face. You don't have to hide, Steve." Robin responds, looking at me. "I'm fine, Robin!" I reply, laughing a little. "Whatever, Harrington." She says, shaking her head and walking out. She shuts the door behind her. It's just a break.

Maybe it'll be good to get out of the house, tomorrow. 'To clear my head'. I lie down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. What if he didn't love me? What if it all was just for... Nothing.

A/N: hey readers! yeah, yeah i know, there's a lot of angst in this one. you'll get a chapter tomorrow night. (i haven't even started writing it yet.) so just be prepared. DO NOT WORRY, I AM NOT ENDING THIS MASTERPIECE ANY TIME SOON. anyways, i hope you enjoyed this chapter! much love♥️
words ~ 1172

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